2/ T W E N T Y - S I X

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.     ELLIE

What am I going to wear? Gosh. This is so hard. I learned not to care about my appearance as much as I used to but still. It's a ball filled with rich men and women and according to what Harry told me they are coming from all over the world since the company is a big and powerful one with branches all over continents.

Big companies and powerful people... that is so scary. I feel like I don't belong there at all.

Who am I kidding. I really don't fit with those people. I wish there was a way I could convince Harry to go without me, but I feel like that will never work.

I had been standing in front of my dresses and looking at them and not being able to choose one. They are not as good for this kind of ball were everyone's clothes are worth my life as I thought they would be.

Although I have this one dress that Luke bought for me for our 4th year anniversary. But I don't want to ruin that. It was so expensive he paid three months of his paycheck for it.

But then, isn't that what I should wear exactly?

I brought the dress out and gently laid it on the bed. And boy... It looks amazing. I love it.

The oven makes a beep sound indicating the food is ready so I rush down stairs to get it. But as I'm running towards kitchen to get it before it burns, my phone starts ringing.

"Jeez..." I mumble, changing my direction and running towards my phone.

It is a FaceTime from Luke. Holy shit. What do I do? Do I answer it? But Harry could be here any minute. Plus the lunch is probably burning by now. And he'll get suspicious if I don't answer.

"Hey." I answered after a loud sigh.

His face smiled back at me and showed how happy he was to see me. Although we had talked yesterday. Or even before that.

"Hey my love. How are you? Why are you running? Is something wrong?" He asked questions left and right as I continued to run towards kitchen.

"No... it's-- the food is in the oven... ouch!" I yelled as my fingers touched the hot tray. "Hold on." I told him and placed my phone on the counter grabbing the oven mitts. Dammit it hurts.

"I'm sorry Luke. The tray was hot and I was in a rush so I forgot to put oven mitts on and picked it up. How have you been?" I rushed to say and picked up my phone looking at his worried face.

"Are you alright now?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah. I put a cloth on it for now. I'll bandage it later." I brought my hand up and showed it to him. I will fix it after I end the call.

I know if he was here he would kiss it or blow on it to cool it down and hug me or comfort me and that thought always made me smile and want him more. But now it didn't seem to do anything.

I wanted Harry.

And I realized it now.

I do love Luke but the one I am in love with and always will be is Harry. I shouldn't fool myself. No matter what I do I can't let Harry go and even after 6 years, even after Luke and after all the things he did to me and put me through I still love him. I still want him. Over anyone else.

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