Chapter 20: Evening Training

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Hey Guys and Girls. I am so sorry that it took so long for me to update this story. But everytime I wanted to start writing one of my partens would come into my room and asked if I already learnt for the next exsame or test or did my homework. So they took my laptop away from me until I finished everything for school. Mostly it was super late then and I was either to tired to write much or just didn't felt like doing it anymore. That's the reason why I will take much longer to write chapters now. But I already started writing the next and have nearly a half of it done.

I also wanted to know if you want me to start a second story, because I really feel like writing a second one but also want to know if you would like that.

Well I hold you all up, so enjoy this chapter, even when it's fighting again. (I jsut felt like you should get to know a bit of their fighting stills and all). But don't worry the next few chapters are just story, no big fights and all.

LG Caro :D

PS: Thank you all for reading this story and ading it to your reading list. Means a lot to me. <3

Now let's get to the story :,D


Jack POV

We just arrived at the well in the park, we passed earlier, as Mark suddenly broke down with a painful headache. But after a few minutes everything went back to normal, after we talked with our second halves, which have cleared us up what happened. Now we all sat on a meadow nearby the well. Everybody except Bob, Wade, Mark and me talked further about other topics, after Mark reassured that Dark and he were fine again. My new roommate laid at the moment on his back with a wet and cold rag on his forehead, while Bob and Wade told me some funny stories of their childhood with Mark. After a while I asked the black-red-haired: "How are ya feeling now buddy? Does your skull still hurt?" "I'm fine, but I still feel a tiny bit dizzy.", he answered with a slight smile. As a result Bob meant: "Well, that's good to hear. But what you are going through right now is normal. Dark and you still need to get use to everything that goes through your body at the moment. Don't forget that your partner couldn't use his magic for 19 years, what has led to the situation that your body hasn't adapted itself of losing a good amount of magic. That's why you two are feeling not well."

"Yeah, thanks again for this shit pal.", came it pissed from Mark. //Wow, I rather not asked why he reacted like that. That probably is personal.//, I thought to myself, while I scratched my neck. We all spent our time for nearly a whole hour talking about stuff. After that break Mark felt completely fine again and our evening continued. After a few minutes we reached a small clearing which laid further off the public ways of the park. To clear up my new friend, I whispered him in his ear: "At this place we train often together to improve our abilities and skills." As an answer I got a nod and a slight smile. "Seriously guys, you want to train at this time? It is already after 11 o'clock p.m.!", came it from Wade, which stared at his watch.

Right afterwards the other five Demon Side Users explained synchronically: "Come on now. We are only doing one round with five minutes fights." Both priests sighed, while Mark and I laughed quietly. "Do what you want, but Mark won't take part in this training. I don't want him to get sick again because of using too much of his magic.", Bob argued and pulled the black-red-haired boy with him to a stone, followed by Wade. In my head I was considering whether I should follow them or not, nevertheless, I was pulled to the middle of the clearing by our favourite Swede. We stood in a circle, while Minx got from her trouser pocket six wooden sticks, which had different colours and there were of each colour one pair. Afterwards she wrapped a cloth around them and held it out to everybody, so we couldn't recognise which colour we choose. A few seconds later the groups were selected: Felix against Minx, Ken against Cry and Yami against me.

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