Chapter 16 Boom!

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Hidan burst through the doors after Zalithor went back to his slumber and Hidan shouted “Orochimaru!!”

Orochimaru looked up to see Hidan with a cut up hand in his hands while Thanerah was shivering with tears running down from her eyes.

“Hidan, so nice for you to finally join us,” said Orochimaru before he licked his lips with his long tongue.

Hidan arched a brow at the hand that it was holding before he glanced at Thanerah and saw her right hand was missing. He growled at Orochimaru “What did you do?! Why the fuck did you cut off her hand?!”

Orochimaru just smirked widely at Hidan and then pulled the wrist band Krystol off Thanerah’s chopped off hand. “For this,” answered Orochimaru as he waved Thanerah’s Krystol to Hidan. He threw Thanerah’s hand to Hidan. It dropped on the ground and rolled towards Hidan until it stopped before his feet.

“Hi-Hidan...” she mumbled weakly as she looked at Hidan with tears running down from her eyes.

Hidan glared at Orochimaru “You’re going to pay for that.”

Orochimaru just chuckled darkly at Hidan and said “We’ll see in the end...” Suddenly Thanerah’s crystal suddenly glowed brightly and the Krystol in Orochimaru’s arms started to wrap itself on Orochimaru’s arm until it stopped. Orochimaru examined it in awe before he looked at Hidan “This power...” he chuckled darkly and licked his lips “ so marvellous!”

Hidan smirked widely and it made Orochimaru to drop his smirk “Not for long...”

Thanerah’s Krystol suddenly burst Orochimaru’s arm, spilling his blood everywhere as Orochimaru screamed in pain. Thanerah’s Krystol started to cease away from Orochimaru and it travelled to Thanerah’s handless arm but soon her right hand started to regenerate itself until it was fully healed before her Krystol wrapped itself in her hand where it belongs.

Orochimaru grasped his shoulder where he lost his arm and he looked up to see Hidan smirking at him widely before he asked “You don’t fucking understand, do you? The Krystol can’t be wielded by anyone; it only answers to its own master alone” suddenly Hidan’s Krystol started to spread itself on Hidan’s arms until it was on his entire arm.

Orochimaru glared at Hidan but chuckled darkly “Marvellous, I would never thought the religion to have mysterious powers. You’re not as weak as I thought,” said Orochimaru.

Hidan took his scythe out and said “Talking won’t get you out of this. You’re still going to pay for harming Thanerah.”

He charged towards Orochimaru while he was still smirking at Hidan until he suddenly turned into millions of snakes when Hidan struck him with his scythe. Hidan immediately dodged Orochimaru’s attacks from above as Orochimaru was shooting out his snake sword from his mouth.

Thanerah glanced at her glowing Krystol with one last tear escaped from her eyes with the sound of the battle ringing in her ears. She glanced at the battle and then she growled like a wolf towards Orochimaru as they were fighting in Tai-jutsu.

Thanerah’s Krystol stretched itself and it helped to unbound Thanerah from the metal bed. Suddenly Thanerah broke free from the bed with her bare hands and she immediately saw Orochimaru who was going to cut off Hidan’s head as he was behind Hidan’s kneeling position when he thought he had Orochimaru.

“No!!” Thanerah jumped towards Orochimaru just as she turned into a large black wolf.

Thanerah tackled Orochimaru to the small group of large tube containers before Orochimaru could cut Hidan’s head off. The large tubes shattered and released the strange green liquids when it hit the ground. Wolf Thanerah clawed Orochimaru and tried to bite him but he was pushing her away as much as he can his only arm against her neck, his sword was thrown to the side when Thanerah tackled him and he was grunting a bit as Thanerah continued to try to bite him.

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