~Chapter 1~

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Go wash the stank off ya ass so we can go shopping Li said grabbing my plate. You got one more time to cuss around my baby! Oh girl bye that's my baby and she knows better than to repeat what I said isn't that right Merci? Yes ma'am! Lisa! Noelle! Fine I am going to shower watch her please. Don't I always? I flicked her off when Amarah wasn't looking. You first she said with attitude.

Lisa and my relationship hasn't changed in all these years, the spark and attraction is still there but we just keep it buried deep deep deep in the way back of the closet. Well scratch that some days it comes out full force and others it's hidden the way it should be. I feel bad for her though because the marriage thing with Shawn didn't really work the way she thought it would.

Once the Zayan and Zayliah were born it was like he checked out and was no longer treating her the way he should. Lisa bossed up though and told him straight up if you aren't going to treat me right, there is the door. He left a year after the babies were born. I still remember that day, she'd always been there for me but I never thought I'd see the day when I'd have to physically go to her house and hold her up cause she was having a nervous breakdown. She says she's done with him but I know Lisa and she's not done with him in the least and quite frankly they need each other not only for the kids but for themselves. Regardless I am there for her the way she was for me after Tyriq, CJ, Jamal, and Brian.

Brian...Brain and I decided it was best if we slowed down our relationship for a little bit. For a while we were going full speed, I mean well on our way to the altar, but I couldn't let go of the past. It still haunts me till this day the things that happened between Jamal and I. The things that he would say and do to me, still linger in my mind. Sometimes I get so paranoid when I see guys that look similar to him or if Brian make sudden moves, I flinch thinking he's going to hit me. Brian none the less is still a good man and he's never backed down on being the father for Amarah, nor would I ever want him to. She's so cute when they are together; they act like big kids, play fighting, wrestling, jumping off stuff. Yet at the same time she's still the princess he takes her on spa dates, shopping, to have tea parties, but on the flip side she's like the son he always wanted. They watch wrestling, play football, and he's taught her pretty much every single rap album that he knows. He's the best father figure that I could have ever imagined for her to grow up with. I just wish I could let go of the past and be the woman he needs me to be.

Noelle! Yeah Ti, damn I am in the shower! And your point would be what you're my sister, we got the same thing and I've seen everything you got. Sisters I mumbled to myself. What was that? Nothing, how can I help you? Attitude! No! Where is the dish washing soap? In the kitchen Tionne duh! We didn't see it. Did you check under the cabinet or in the laundry room? No we didn't, Liv check the laundry room she yelled out the bathroom.

Tionne is a whole other issue. She and Liv are...well I am not exactly sure what they are doing. I mean one day they are together in love and the next she says she's filing for divorce cause her and Liv aren't on the same page anymore. I stay out of their relationship; I am not getting caught in the middle and have to choose between my sister and my best friend. Which if you know me then you know nothing will ever come before my family! The one thing I do have to say is they have it together when it comes Jacob and Desiree. Those kids know what's up and they know both of them won't take no mess either. Hell they are my parenting role models.

Liv finally got her custody rights back from her mom after numerous custody hearings. I respect Liv's mom for taking care of Jacob but she took it over board prolonging his custody case. She tried everything in the book to say that Olivia wasn't ready to be a mother, but the judge saw otherwise. I mean she's married she has a home, a great job and most importantly she is his mother and the agreement was only temporary. She's his sole parent since Malik up and became famous and forgot about him. She told me he would do that and I said no Malik's not that type, but he proved me wrong. Now he's some type of DJ and goes all over the world touring with famous folks. But can't make time to come and see his own son. I guess that's another one of her and Ti's issues is that she believes Liv should make him pay child support and Liv doesn't want a dime from him, because she doesn't want him thinking he has rights to Jacob. My take is that she makes him give up his rights so Ti can adopt him, but you know no one listens to me so I'll keep that to myself.

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