~Chapter 4~

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Haven't seen you in a while, she said opening the door. Well you know I have responsibilities that don't involve being at my mother's house all the time. You know Noelle that attitude isn't as cute as it was when I first got out. It's not an attitude that's just how I am, so is my mother here or not? She looked at me and rolled her eyes before going into the living room.

Mama! Hey baby what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be at work? I took the day off, I have somethings I need to handle. That's good. Helen I am going to the store where is that list of stuff you wanted me to get Candace said coming into the kitchen. Oh here and make sure this time they actually cut that meat the correct way, don't make no sense we pay all that money and then come home to all that fat. I'll be sure to tell them Helen she said laughing before leaving the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at my mom's interaction with her. Sometimes it's like she forgot what this woman did to me.

You know one of these days you will have to talk to her. I speak to her mama. I mean talk to her Noelle other than the back handed smart ass remarks you make. Ma...don't mama me, I am pulling rank now and that's not going to slide anymore now you're going to have a real conversation with her or I am going to beat yo ass you got it? I am 30 don't you think I am a little too old for whoopins? I don't know try me and see she said putting her hands on her hips. Never mind I'll talk to her. I knew you'd see it my way, where is my baby? School and then Brain is picking her up afterwards.

Brian, huh he hasn't been around too much lately. I know he said he's been going through something but it still don't give him the right to bail on Amarah like that. Well technically she isn't his so he can do whatever he pleases. He was the one that agreed to be her father, I didn't ask him to do it. But you let him, which is like asking. I guess. So what's up with Kayo and Nicole are they getting back together. Chile now that's a story for another day, those two-stay fighting. He was over here the other day talking about can I sleep in Noelle's old room. Wow mama he's almost 40 trying to come back home. I know, but I told him hell naw I got a house guest he need to fix his mess with Nicole and take his ass back home. Mama you a mess, I said laughing. Her telephone started ringing, let me get that.

Wait what! Noelle turn on the news. I grabbed the remote and turned on the news.

"We're at the scene of a serious accident at the corner of Lexington and 15th street. Bystanders say that the vehicle on the left was passing the intersection when out of nowhere the truck came barreling through the intersection. No word on if there are any injuries. But by the looks of it no one could have survived this accident."

Mama who was in that car? Baby sit down she said motioning for me to sit in the chair. Mama! Just sit okay. It was Rozonda! Oh my god I said breathing deeply. Calm down Noelle. Breathe! Is she okay! They don't know they rushed her into surgery. Lisa is on her way to come and get you okay. I can drive myself. No no you can't especially not with you breathing this way, she's almost here. Was Nyah with her? There was a long pause as I looked at her. Please tell me that little girl was not in that car with her. She wasn't! Oh thank you god. Just then there was a knock on the door and Lisa came in. You ready! Yeah! Ti is already at the hospital and Liv is making sure that Nyah and Desiree are good. Where are your kids? With my mom! Call me as soon as you know anything mama said seeing us to the door.

What happened to her Lisa? I don't know we were talking about going back into the studio and she was saying how she didn't think it was the right time something about personal issues and then she said "oh my god Lis " and the phone went dead. It freaked me out so I kept calling her and calling her and no response it wasn't till Ti called and said to come get you and bring you to the hospital that I realized something really did happen to her. I really just hope she's okay Li, I mean she's been so distant the last few months I don't know what's going on with her. I don't either I was trying to get her to open up and talk to me.

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