~Chapter 27~

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Are you pregnant Lisa? No... not that I know of I mean I can't be positive Shawn been sexing me up like crazy the last few weeks. Do you not want more kids Li? The opposite I wouldn't mind having another baby or 2. 2! Yeah another girl and boy. I think that would be so beautiful Li. I know how much you wanted a big family and I know Andre tried his best to ruin that. I don't think Shawn wants anymore kids though. He does he's just afraid that something may happen to you. I think the 2 of you need to make an appointment with the doctor after the holidays to discuss your chances again. The twins about to be 3 so if you want to another one you should do it within the next 2 years.

I am scared I mean what if they say that I can't. Don't be scared Li, Shawn loves you, hell he worships the ground you walk on. I only have one demand. What's that she said looking at me. Will you wait for Ty and I to get together so we can be pregnant at the same time? She started laughing. Oh god they can't handle both of us being pregnant at the same time Noelle. I mean I know I can be a little demanding but...a little! Noelle if it wasn't for your mama and Liv, Ti would have killed yo ass. I wasn't that bad. I plead the 5th on that. Oh well in that case missy you were hell on wheels too. What you expect I was pregnant with twins? Pot can't call the kettle black. Sho can't I said as we left Zali's room. I went to find Ti cause Li said she was looking for me.

Mmm I felt someone grab me by the waist and start kissing my neck. I looked back and it was Ty. What are you doing? Kissing my wife! Wife huh, I don't see no ring on this finger. It ain't nothing but a thang just let me know I'll buy one. You mean you don't already have the ring. Don't play with me Noelle! I chuckled a little looking at the look he was giving me. You ready to go. Naw I am fine I like chilling with the family. Mhm I am sure you do. You been crying! No! Don't lie I can see it in your eyes, what he say to you? Nothing, just don't worry about it. You know we can talk right I mean I know it's complicated but I am still your friend. Damn you sensitive brothas. I am serious Noelle you don't have to keep things from me. Not here when we get to Miami I'll tell you. Okay he said pecking my lips. Go on now before someone sees what you...to late we saw Liv and Ti said smiling at me.

That's so cute! Stop! I know you see how much in love they are, Liv said to Ti. I hate both of you. What you think they babies gone look like. Ok for real stop, you say babies and this whole house will be in my business. Not so soon ladies we got another year before that happens Ty said popping me on the butt as he walked away. Really! Can I be the maid of honor at the wedding. No nigga you can't cause you already married and two I ain't getting married. Yet! You were looking for me Titi I said rolling my eyes at Liv! Yeah we about to go so Liv can get some rest but we wanted to give you your gift. My gift! Yall ain't have to buy me a gift the trip was gift enough honestly. We did and if you don't mind we want to give it to you in private. Private...yall gon try to kill me. Really Noelle kill you at a family event! Shit I don't know both of yall crazy as shit. She does make a very valid point babe. Yeah but there are too many witnesses to kill her here.

Okay for real yall I said looking at them. No we aren't going to kill you Noelle we just need to talk to you. Okay well let's go outside. We went outside, it wasn't cold just a little windy, but I still worry about my sister. Is it okay out here Titi? It's fine Noe. Here they said handing me the envelope. An envelope! Open it smart ass! Rude much I said opening the envelope to see some paperwork. I started reading over it and got to the end... You did it! Ti nodded, I adopted him the paperwork will be official in 30 days after Malik signs the papers. Is he gonna sign the papers? Yeah he is, he wants what's best for Jacob and besides if you remember Noelle I never gave him Malik's last name. Congratulations Sis I said hugging her. Thanks, the decision was made and I am for my family. You've always been in his life Ti, since he was a baby. Hell he called you mama before he called Liv that. True! I tried to hand the papers back but Liv stopped me. No that is your copy. My copy! Yeah, we wanted you as his godmother to know, because if anything should happen to either of us you get custody of him. Don't talk like that nothing is going to happen to either of you. Noelle it's the truth both of us have come to that conclusion and we have to do what is right for our children. We know that you'd take care of him. Of course, I would and will always.

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