~ Chapter 51~

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I'll be back in a few days you sure you'll be okay I said to Lizzy as I packed my last bag. Natalie I'll be fine you act like we haven't been in New York for over 3 years. I know I am just don't want anything to happen to you. Nothing is going to happen to me you just go see what it is that your sister needs and then come back to me. I smiled a little as she kissed the side of my neck. I've been thinking about what we discussed. Yeah, I am still not sure but I think we could do that. Really! I mean if you're ready I am ready. You know that means us moving right, we can't raise baby up here and I know Tasha and Zora would want to help us raise the baby. I am not really feeling California or the West coast in general it's to close I said looking at her. I understand just talk to them about it and then we'll decision. You know I was thinking Atlanta is nice too. Atlanta huh! Yeah move into the suburbs get a nice house and your sister is there. True she said pecking my lips. You're gonna be late come on she said grabbing my bag as we left the room.

A few days alright. I got it baby I said pecking her lips as I got out the town car and went to catch my flight back to Cali, one place I hadn't stepped foot in since Cameron took me. The flight was long, but I got time to sketch while I was on the plane. I sketched this picture of what Cameron would like today if she was still here with me. Lizzy's been so patient with me and she understands that it's taking time for me to get over Cameron. At one point I didn't think it'd be possible for me to even fathom getting over Cameron. But at some point I have to. I can't live my life in the past and I know she wouldn't want me to do that either. I looked at the sketch that I just finished. She'd be so beautiful I thought to myself as I closed the sketch book.

Soon as I stepped out of the gate I smelled the ocean from inside the building. Damn it's been a long time I said shaking my head as I made my way out the terminal down to the where Zora was waiting on me. There were black town cars everywhere but luckily for me Zora was in a white. I opened the door. Hi De De she said smiling at me. Hey Zozo! How was the flight? Long and this lady had the nerve to bring her fresh baby on the plane. Fresh baby she said laughing. Yes as in Fresh out the womb, the baby couldn't have been any older than 2 weeks. Now she know better than that. Exactly! Other than the baby how was the flight? Soothing I got a chance to sketch I said handing her my sketch book. She flipped to the latest sketch and nodded. This is beautiful Natalie, that high price art school is paying off huh. Yeah it is, and I'll be through in December. Really congratulations. Thanks! So, what prompted my presence in California? We need to close a chapter in a book that's been open for way to long she said looking out the window.

What that meant I didn't know but my guess is that I was about to find out. We drove for about an hour before we stopped. We at our destination? Nope just picking up someone she said as the door opened and my mom's face appeared. I looked at Zora like you set me up. Zora you know damn well I don't... I know you don't but we need to close this chapter. I rolled my eyes and moved over to the other side of the car so she could get in. Hi Zora! Hi Mom! Hi Natalie! Mhm I said slipping my ear phones in my ears. The last thing I wanted to hear is all of her excuses for why she did what she did. And furthermore, I can't believe Zora is even entertaining what shit she is trying to pull on us.

4 hours later we finally stopped driving. Where are we? Bakersfield! Why they hell are in Bakersfield? Calm down you'll see she said stretching. We all got out only to come face to face with the house from hell. NO ZORA! I said turning to get back in the car. Natalie, we have to do this. No we don't. I don't want to do this. She's gone Natalie and nothing we do can bring her back but we can keep that promise to her. Zora! She'll never know what we went through until we tell her she said wiping the tear off my face. The three of us were face to face with the past.

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