~Chapter 42~

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I walked up to the door half expecting this nigga to shoot my ass for coming to his house again after he told me to stay away. No matter how much he ranted about Ro staying away she never could and neither could I, we have this connection that's deep than sex and physical attraction. I truly do love the girl and I'd never be able to find another woman like her anywhere. I was surprised when he called me from her phone that day, I was for sure he was going to cuss me out for my number still being in the phone. He didn't though, he was surprisingly nice and cordial and invited me over to the house to talk about things.

I rung the door bell and waited for them to answer. It took a minute before the door opened and I saw that beautiful face I grew to love so much. Shawntae! Ro! Come in. Is it safe? Get in here girl she said opening the door wider for me. I walked in and looked around before I felt her hand on my back. I turned and looked at her and she gave me the biggest hug I'd ever gotten. I missed you so much she said in my ear. I missed you to I said hugging her back. We shouldn't be this close though I don't want your husband to get the wrong idea. Hi Shawntae Tyree, said coming into the foyer where we were. Tyree, I said stepping back from Ro. Come in here we want to talk to you. We! Yeah, we. I looked at Ro and she smiled following him into the living room. I cautiously followed them into the living room and took a seat on the couch across from them.

What's up you called me I said looking at Tyree. Yeah, I called you over here cause I wanted to apologize. Excuse me. I want to apologize to you for how I acted that night I was wrong for coming at you that way I was running off emotions from what Dallas said and I shouldn't have done that. What exactly did Dallas say? He said that Ro was a dyke and that you were probably fucking her in my house as we spoke. Why is that every time a nigga lose his girl to another girl they automatically gotta be a dyke I said shaking my head. I looked at Ro and then back him, Tyree I'd never disrespect your home, your wife, or your relationship like that. Dallas is a jealous ass little bitch. We've never done anything other than hug and the occasional kiss that's it. I know that now she explained the extent of yall's relationship. Did she now! I did Tae and no I didn't lie or sugar coat anything I told him the truth about everything. He knows about Dallas. Yeah! Everything Rozonda! Yes Shawntae everything she said rolling her eyes. She don't like to talk about that situation but if she did tell him the truth he should know what kind of man Dallas really is.

I never liked his ass anyway and honestly, I am surprised he ain't do this shit sooner. Why you say that Tyree said leaning into towards me. Because he's a little bitch he couldn't handle the fact that I had her first and had I been able to do what he needed to do I would have still had her. I mean come on now she's dated before you and yet he never mentioned it to them. Good question why he felt the need to share the information now. He shared it now cause I told him no to his request for Bryson to come live with him. Bryson live with him both Tyree and I said at the same time. Yeah he said he wanted to spend more time with him and he should be able to come live with him. I know you told his ass no right! Of course, I did I am not stupid he has way too many hoes in and out of his house and I am not pimping out my child.

Are you in love with my wife he said bluntly? You want the truth! If I didn't I wouldn't have asked. Yeah I am in love with her I probably always will be I said looking at her. But she's made her choice and it wasn't me. I can't give her everything that she needs, wants, and desires so I settle for being her friend because that's better than not having her in my life at all. You don't have to worry about me coming between you and her cause I never will. He nodded looking at Ro who was wiping a tear off her cheek. She loves you too. I can't stand between true love he said. What are you saying? I am saying that I can't tell you not to come around her or our children. I just want to make sure we are on the same page when it comes to them. Something happens to me you take care of them. Wait wait you trying to share your wife with me? Share no, but compromise and understand that yall are friends yes. I looked at Ro and she gave me that please be okay with it look.

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