~Chapter 49~

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I watched as people one by one put flowers on the casket of woman so evil that she'd purposely pimp out young girls to the highest bidder. Of course, none of these people knew that or maybe they did and care. As for me and my family none of us could shed a tear because she'd done more foul shit us then anyone could ever imagine and now that she's gone it feels surreal. I looked my left at Jenay and she just sat there shaking her head like we really going through with this spectacle of a funeral. I looked to the right at my mother even though she was sick she still looked as beautiful as she did when I was little she grabbed my hand and smiled a little. The news of her death didn't break the way it should have, you'd think it eb all over the news how terrible of a person she was. Instead they said that she was shot by a home intruder, how that even made sense, who knows but I guess when you do so much shady shit nothing phases anyone.

Would the family of Mrs. Myles like to say a few words the Pastor said looking over at us? My mom squeezed my hand before standing and making her way to the podium. She looked out at the crowd for minute before speaking.

I am the daughter of a woman who suffered from mental illness. For many years I didn't know that she suffered with because she only showed one side and that was tenacity and strength. I won't stand up here and say that she was the best woman in the world because I know different, but I can say that through her adversity she did one thing right that was to make sure that my kids were taken care the right way. She looked down at the silver casket and spoke again I forgive you for the hell and pain you put me through and I hope you rest well she said wiping a single tear off of her cheek as she took her seat next to me.

After a couple more people spoke their peace it was time to inter her in the cemetery we choose a spot next to Jamal so that her and her beloved son could be next to each other in hell. I watched as they lowered the casket in to the grave and all I could feel was every inch pain that she'd made us go through. The times she'd beat me and Jenay or the times when she'd try to pimp us out to the highest bidder. These were things my mom didn't know because Veronica was putting her in facilities or she had her so drugged that she didn't even recognize us half the time. It took a lot to get her out of those places and clean only for her to be punished with cancer.

Excuse me! I looked up to see a group of people standing there. Yeah, I said looking at them. You don't know us, but we're related to yall one of the guys said. Related how I said confused. Tanni and Jenay these are your aunts and uncles my mom said. Come again. She had other children Jenay said. Yes 15 to be exact. 15 I said looking at her. Mhm! This probably isn't the best way to meet your other family, one of the ladies said. Hi I am Jasmine my mom said smiling slightly. This is Patrick, I am Alexandria, I am April, I am Steven, I am Adam, and I am Brianna the last girl said. Is this one of our brothers Steven said looking at Jamal's grave site. Mhm it is he died a few years back. We have another brother named Malachi as well my mom said looking at them. Where is he? He's out of the country indefinitely.

The back story on that is that Malachi or James as he like to go by would tag team women cause no one could tell them apart. He was the calmer one and as we could see Jamal was the wild one. How he got involved with Noelle, I still hadn't figured it out but somehow, he did. It was a bad decision cause then Jamal had to take him out the picture permanently or so he thought Heather got a hold of him and ever since then she's been taking care of him.

Is it bad that I don't feel remorse for her dying Patrick said looking at the grave site? Not one bit my mom said. We all stood there for a few minutes in silence looking at their graves. One by one we tossed the blood red roses on the casket and left leaving me as the last one. I battled with depression, alcoholism, and anger because of this woman. I lost my best friend and my chance at living a normal life. I hope it was worth it I said tossing my flower on her casket. I slipped on my sunglasses and walked back to the car where my mom and Jenay were. Her lawyer wants to talk to us she said as we slipped into the town car. Okay I said settling into the car. Finally things go be normal I said letting out a deep sigh.

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