~Chapter 54~

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Titi where are we going and why you got me dressed like a Russian hooker? You do not look like a Russian hooker she said popping me. Ouch that's my injured shoulder. Boo hoo don't be a big baby. I am not a baby and I am still healing. I didn't hit you that damn hard. Whatever it still hurts. You really going to get a tattoo to cover it? Hell yeah, I don't want that bullet hole showing forever. It's not even that noticeable and if you keep using cocoa butter you won't even be able to see it. I just don't want the memory of it you know. I understand I went through the same thing with my scar on my side, eventually I just let it go and started covering it with concealer whenever we wear clothes that show our stomach. I could do that too I said nodding.

Where are we going, and why you not with Liv she's ready to pop she shouldn't be alone? She's fine she has supervision. I wanted to spend some time with you, you know a sister date. A sister date huh I said looking at her. Yeah, a sister date I mean you spent time with Lisa and Ro but conveniently didn't spend time with me, what's up with that? I didn't. You did too, I know about the mani/pedi's and the lunch dates. Yet I can't get a glass of water of with you. Touché you're right I haven't spent a lot of time with you and I should spend more time with you before Liv has the baby. You coming to help though right? Naw playa that's yo wife. Oh, now she my wife, I thought she was wifey? She is but see this I said holding her hand up to show her, she put that ring on you not me, which means dirty diaper duty and long nights belong to you sistah. You not right and she could have married you. Naw, don't get me wrong I have love for Liv but the two of us being married wouldn't work we're too much alike. Just like I couldn't marry Lisa, we'd kill each other. Yeah yall probably would kill each other.

Titi did you ever think that we'd be here, I said looking out the window as we drove. Where? Here I mean when I was younger I couldn't see anything past 20. When I got to 20 I couldn't imagine anything over 25 and now I am 31 with 3 kids and boyfriend. It's life baby sister, it's what I was preparing you for when you were younger. You know taking care of yourself, watching the people you are around and connect to, just being the best person, you can be. I wish I would have to listen to you though, about Jamal. Yeah but if you wouldn't have you wouldn't have Amarah or Noah, sometimes you gotta go through the bad to get to the good little sister. I am a firm believer on that. I had to go through stuff in my previous relationships to get to where I am now. Married to the love of my life having a baby.

I listened as she talked about how much she loved Liv. I never doubted their love for one another and I always knew she felt different about her she never wanted to admit those feelings for her. My sister is truly happy and that makes me happy as well. We finally stopped at our location and she turned to me and smiled at me. You ready! Yeah let's go I said trying to open the door. Wait she said stopping me. She looked at me and smiled and gave me a big hug, I love you Noelle and I so proud of you. I just want you to know that. I love you too Tionne. You accomplished everything I knew you would from college to raising your daughter to finally finding your passion in life I just want you to know you that I am so proud of you baby girl. Hey, I had the best big sister in the world to help me. I am the best huh! Cocky ass! You cocky too, where you think you got it from she said laughing.

Uhh Titi Is it really this easy to be happy, with no damn drama. Yes, it is! When you let the bullshit go and focus on what's really important then things become easier for you. Like with Tyriq. That boy, I must really love him. Pshh you've been in love with Tyriq since you were what 16. 13 to be exact I said. He loves you too. Like really loves you. I know hell he's giving me his child. Yall signed the paperwork yet? Not yet but I talked to him about what she asked me and he had no problem with it. Said he'd get with lawyer about getting her mothers, rights terminated. Terminated. Mhm neither one of them want anything to do with her. How do you really feel about that? You know at first, I wanted to give her the benefit of doubt maybe there was more to the story, but after she showed up to the shower, that woman is sick and I don't want my child around her. She has a whole other baby too. She has another baby! Apparently so, Tyriq is over it he just wants to live his life without her bull. Do you blame him, you were going through the same thing with Brian!

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