~Chapter 56~

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Mmm I loved that massage. I know me too Ti said holding my hand as we drove to get the kids from Noelle. She volunteered to take all of them for a weekend, so we could get a break and lord knows that we needed it. We've been good but recently Malik has been more active in Jacob's life and we're seeing a drastic change in his school life as well. Desiree has been pushing that boundary ever since her father has been more present in her life. But overall, she's the same vibrant little girl she's always been. Samiyah is a calm baby I mean as long as you feed her and change her diaper she don't really cry, and she smiles all the time. I mean even in her sleep she smiles. Her presence has made our family come closer together, I can see the change in the kids they want to protect her and Ti is super involved in every aspect taking care of her as well. The first month after I had her she took the night shift, so I could sleep. Now I know exactly how Noelle feels, when she says she's genuinely happy.

You good baby! Huh! You over there smiling like Miyah does when she sees a bottle come in sight. I was just thinking about how happy I am. You and me both baby, she said kissing my hand as we pulled up to Noelle's street. I noticed a truck that looked all too familiar and silently prayed that wasn't who I thought it was. Babe is that who I think it is. Where? The Black truck parked two houses up from Noelle's. No please tell me this ain't him. How the hell he even get past the gates, I thought Shawn made sure he couldn't come back to Noelle's house? We parked and got out the car, go in babe I'll handle it, Ti said. We can both go and see what he wants. You sure? I am positive.

We walked towards the truck and he got out. Really, this is kind of stalkerish don't you think Brain? I just wanted a chance to talk to her again and see my little girl. Brian you know that ain't your little girl. Biologically no she's not but I've been in her life since she was born Ti. It's Tionne to you and you shouldn't be here! I just want to talk to her and she needs to see her as well. She Ti said crossing her arms. The passenger side door opened, and a brunet girl got out. Who the hell is she? My sister Tiffany. Oh hell no you really brought her to Noelle's house? It's not what you think Tionne. Don't tell me what I think, it looks like you trying to roll up on my sister and her kids. I am not going to let you hurt her again Brian so you and her can get back in that car and leave.

Babe! Liv tell me you not in agreeance with this shit? I am not but she's grown and as much as we want to make decisions for her we can't. This situation is out of our hands. Olivia! Tionne I said looking her in the eyes. She ain't interfere in our business with Malik. That was different. It's not different. Fine she said rolling her eyes at me. Brian we'll go in and see if she's willing talk to you. Thanks Liv he said tucking his hands in his pockets. Ti looked at him and the girl and rolled her eyes and walked off.

We walked into the house to hear the TV. Noe! Yeah in here she said from the living room. She had all the kids in one area watching tv. Hey, my sisters did yall enjoy the spa day? Hey I said smiling at her, but Ti was all in her feelings. We did thank you so much for that. It's no problem! What's wrong with her? Babe! Fine she said fixing her face. Hi Noelle, she said sarcastically. Did I do something wrong? Tionne! Olivia! I raised an eyebrow at her cause I know she wasn't getting loud with me. Whatever she said going to sit on the couch. It's not you, you have a visitor outside. Outside she said looking at her front door. It's Brian I whispered so that Merci wouldn't hear. Who! You heard me. Why is he here? I don't know but he brought company. She raised an eyebrow at me before looking at Ti who as looking at Noah shaking her head. Can you watch them for a minute. Yeah, we'll watch them I said moving out the way, so she could leave the kitchen. Noe, Ti said grabbing her arm. I got it Titi don't worry. Mi Mi is sleeping in the living room. Okay she said letting her go.

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