~Chapter 28~

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I walked through the house making sure everyone was asleep. I know it's weird but it's just what I do in a new place make sure everything is cool. I checked on all of the kids and they were all knocked out. I walked past the rooms that Ro and Ti were in, it was silent as well. When I got to Li's I could hear the faint sounds of moaning. I shook my head as I tipped toed back to the room I am sharing with Tyriq. Originally didn't think it was a good idea to share a room with him cause after 12 years there was no telling what would happen. Either he'd take me or I'd rock his world either way some sex would happen. But he's a gentleman and he promised that he wouldn't pressure me to have sex so I went with it.

Everyone sleep? Mhm except Li and Shawn. What they still doing up? What you think I said closing the door. Oh really now! She thinks he's trying to get her pregnant. Why would she think that he said watching me get in the bed? Cause he's been sexing her up on the regular for the last month and a half. Well I they are married and you know a man has the needs too. Oh I know all about the needs of men, I said giving him the eye. Can I at least hold you, I promise no funny business? I scooted closer to him and laid on his chest. It felt so right being with him like this, the two of us alone in a room. Tell me about these people we're meeting tomorrow he said pulling me out of my thoughts. I met them when I went to that speaking engagement in Vegas. They have a very very interesting story Ty. Really how so he said rubbing my back. I started telling him all about the girls and some their stories before we both eventually nodded off to sleep.

Before I knew it, it was morning and I was being awoken by the smell of eggs and bacon. Mmm I looked up at the bed and I was alone. Ty! Ty! Mommy! Hey baby I said seeing her face appear in the door. You sleep good pooka I said helping her in the bed? I did the bed was so soft. And I didn't even hear Desi snoring. Desi wasn't snoring? Nope she wasn't she said laying on my chest. Mommy! Yes baby. Did you sleep good with Mr. Ty? I did but baby you don't have to call him Mr. Ty. Well what should I call him? Jerome! Jerome she said looking at me like I was crazy. I started laughing don't call him that trust me it won't go over well, just call him Ty or TJ okay. Okay mommy! Who's cooking? Titi and Gigi. Ooo that means good food I said getting up with her still attached to my neck.

Look who's finally awake! Am I really the last one up? Nope, Liv is passed out and I believe Tyree and Ro are still asleep as well, they haven't come down either. Where is Tyriq? Oh he's in living room watching cartoons with the kids. You serious? As a heart attack Li said laughing. Go on in the living room baby I said putting Merci down. Okay give me kisses she said puckering her lips. Morning breath I said kissing her cheek before she ran off to the living room.

Soon as she was out of site they were both on me so let me see yo neck! You walking funny! We didn't do anything we just went to sleep unlike some folks I said looking at Li. What you talking about. Mhm you and Shawn ain't slick, I heard yall. You heard us doing what! You really don't want me to answer that do you? We went to sleep. Yeah after yall had sex I said under my breath. What was that Noelle! Nothing nothing, but I did hear you moaning. You didn't! I did too. She probably did Li you know she be walking in the middle of the night. Ugh I forgot about that. It's cool Li you do you or rather let Shawn do you I said chuckling as she rolled her eyes at me.

After eating breakfast and everyone getting ready we finally headed down to the beach where we were meeting the girls. I can't lie I was nervous to intermix my sisters with these new girls cause well you see how my family is. They go hard for me and I don't want there to be a big fight, especially with our kids here. You nervous Liv said pulling me out of my thoughts. Yeah big time, you know how they are. Relax if you are relaxed they will relax. Yeah I said still nervous about the whole situation.

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