~Chapter 57~

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Damn nigga you look casket sharp Malik said watching me do my last fitting for the wedding. Nigga please! I am just saying that's a nice ass suit you rocking. You know how Noelle is and my ass couldn't meet her at that isle in no Men's warehouse suit. Nigga did you just say Men's Warehouse? How old are you 40? Whatever I am just saying there's levels to this grown man shit so I gotta come correct on my wedding day. I can't believe you actually doing it, I mean you talked about it in high school but damn man you really doing it. You about to marry Noelle! Hell, yeah, I am and I am not thinking twice about it either man I love her to death. Everyone sees that, she got you wrapped around her finger. No she don't we got a understanding. Yeah, the understanding is that she run that shit. Keep talking I said waving him off as I looked at myself in the mirror. I got with this dope menswear designer here in Atlanta to custom design and my suit for the wedding day. This suit was so customized he even sewed in a tag with my initials on it. It was mad expensive to, but hell this is my one and only wedding day so I had to go all out to looking good for my love.

Mr. Bridges how do you like it? I love it man its dope as fuck, how do you not have your own shop yet? I know man, but you know how fashion is, sometime its volatile and you know what's in today is out tomorrow. I understand that, but this shit right here is timeless you know how many men in Atlanta and even the east coast are looking for good suits? I know but I don't really have the outlet for it so for now I am good building my clientele. Well after my wedding you'll have folks banging down your door to get these suits. Word! Trust me, just come day the of the wedding and see If you don't leave there with some exclusive customers. Alright man take off that jacket I just need fix the hem on the cuffs and you're set. Cool I said taking off the jacket and handing it too him.

Yo Malik let me see your suit I yelled to him. What you think he said coming out the dressing room. Who casket sharp now nigga? A nigga know he look good. You gon mess around and find yo self a wife at this wedding. Please ain't nobody trying to be tied down like you. I have no problem being tied down to Noelle because I know Noelle has no problem being tied to me. Yeah yeah whatever! Okay real talk, it stays between us. What? Olivia! What about her? Nigga I am not stupid I see how you look at her and how yall interact. We've always talked like that to each other. Yeah and before yall was fucking to so tell me how you really feeling about her being married? I don't feel any kind of way cause she made it very clear what side she's on and in case you haven't noticed who she's married to. Yeah, I know but do you still miss her. We ain't been together in years and I fucked it up when I walked they lives. So I can't feel any way about her and her marriage, other than to wish her happiness and to help raise my son that's it.

I've known Malik most of my life and I liked to say I know when he's feeling a certain way but now I can't tell. Okay I'll let it go, but would you be opposed to me hooking you up with one of my friends. You got a single female friend? Does Noelle know? No she doesn't and No I've never messed with her, I've just known her for a minute. She fine! What you think? She coming to the wedding? No but if you need a date I could ask her if she's available. Hm you got a picture? Nigga if I had a picture of her do you think I'd be breathing right now. True cause Noelle don't play. No she doesn't. I trust you, and I am down to meet her but she better not be ugly either. She ain't ugly I said laughing a little bit.

What we really need to be talking about is this Bachelor party I need to throw you. Nope! No, come on man its literally your last week as a free man and you not trying to go out with a bang. Key phrase going out with a bang, Noelle will murder my ass if I do something wrong and if she doesn't Tionne, Lisa, Ro, Liv, Tasha, Zora, or Natalie would. Damn she got a lot of sisters. Exactly! I need to be on my absolute best behavior. I bet you Liv is going to throw her a bachelorette party!

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