~Chapter 41~

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I was up early racking sand getting my thoughts together. For the last week I've done this thinking about the information that I'd found out about Veronica. After Shawn told me about his conversation with her sister I became more confused than ever, but what my mom said kept ringing min my mind. Find her weakness! Her weakness! I looked at my latest pattern and noticed something about it. I always started from the center and worked my way out forming something that looked like a snowflake yet every single one was different. Her weakness was men all different but the same.

I dropped the rack feeling a presence behind me. Since I've been here Master Lee has been teaching me to strengthen my senses, especially when it comes to being places alone. The first time I was here he taught me how to anticipate others moves, now he's teaching me how to know when they even appear in a room. Master Lee! And you knew I was behind you how? I felt your energy. He chuckled a little making his way towards me. Good my child you are picking up on the lessons. Yes Sir! I see you are racking again. Yeah, I think I found the clarity you were speaking of. Oh really and what did you discover? Webs are different yet they are similar. Okay! The person after me she has thing for men. Men! She's been married at least 12 times and has mothered at 5 kids that I know of. What is her issue? Women! Women! Yeah women her daughters she never liked however her granddaughters she was okay with. Hmm interesting woman.

What do you know about her relationship with her father. She never had one from what I know he wasn't in the picture. A woman that marries a lot but has no relationship with the one that man that brought her into the world is a woman lacks stability. She definitely lacks stability and strength. A girl's father is her first protector. What about her mother. Died when she was a little girl from Syphilis. No mother and no father, means no foundation Noelle. This woman is living off of impulse. Yeah! Noelle do you have a relationship with your mother and father? Now I do but before I didn't. My mother was in prison and my father wasn't in my life till later on. You had no foundation yet you turned out okay. I did have a foundation My other mother, my family, and my foster family provided that guidance for me. My sister is my strength everything I did and do is to make her proud of me. I literally saw her almost give her life for me. You had someone that loved you more than they loved themselves to almost give their life for you. More than someone I have a slew of people that love me. I looked at Master Lee for a minute she's jealous. Jealous sounds plausible you have something she wants or wanted. Jamal! Your husband! No the man I thought I loved she must think that I took him from her. I didn't want him, honestly, I wasn't looking for Jamal Myles! It's not only him it's your life. You had the man, the family that supported you, and yeah you had a hard childhood you rose above that to the woman today. She is jealous because from what you tell me you got everything that she wanted and couldn't have. I nodded looking around the garden and taking a deep breath.

Noelle it is your time. My time for what! To go! Go! Yes go, live your life. Your aura is still pure you don't harbor malice or hate for anyone. Master Lee I am not ready. You are ready! Don't doubt yourself you are strong, you are smart, and you know her weakness. I know her weakness! Mhm how many people have gotten close to her to know her family structure, to know her deepest secrets. None Noelle! But you, you were smart you kept it together and you found out the information you needed to know. I can't kill again Master Lee I don't want blood on my hands again I said letting the tears flow.

"Noelle! Stop crying and handle your business. Only you can do it no one else. Tionne I said looking up! I'd had this happen a few times before when I was with Jamal where I'd be at a low point and she'd come to me almost as a vision. Noelle stop that crying shit I ain't baby you that way. Titi what are you...Listen to me Noelle you will not let her get the best of you. Have you running around scared of her like some little bitch! No you are my sister, my blood, so get it together. Yeah Titi! I love you and remember I got you when no one else has you."

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