~Chapter 18~

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I woke up to noises coming from the bathroom. Liv! I looked at her side of the bed and it was empty. Liv baby! I heard the toilet flush and then the water turn, on. I slid out of bed and went towards the door just as she came out. Oh baby what are you doing up? You okay! Yeah I think it was just something I ate. You ate soup Liv. You've been eating soup for the last 3 days. I can't keep anything down Ti. I looked at her hands shaking. Come here baby I said pulling her over to the bed. I don't know what's wrong me Ti, I feel like I can't keep it together. Baby calm down let me ask you some questions. Okay. When you were pregnant with Jacob how did you know? I missed my period! How many times? Once it was weird because I thought I should have completely missed it, but I didn't. And did you have morning sickness? No! None at all. The only time I threw up was when Tae made hamburgers at the house. I didn't like the smell of Hamburger meat.

Liv baby look at me, you're pregnant. What! You're pregnant Olivia. How do you...you've missed 3 periods, you have morning, afternoon, and evening sickness. The other day you ate 10 popsicles. Now either you got a tapeworm or baby you're pregnant. But I didn't take the test. Your body is giving you all the signs that there is a baby in you. She looked down and lifted her shirt. I am showing she said looking at her little bump. Yeah baby you are. It was just a tiny bump, but if you saw Liv before you'd know she was showing because she had abs of steel.

I am pregnant baby! Yeah you are I said smiling at her. I don't want to tell anyone till we make sure. Of course, baby we won't share this till you ready I said hugging her. I can't believe it I am pregnant? I can I knew it would work out for us. I love you she said looking at me. I love you too. Here let me make you something that you can keep down. What's that? Peanut butter and banana sandwich. Eww I don't even like that. Trust me you'll love it and you'll be able to keep it down too. I'll believe it when I see it. 2 sandwiches later she was smiling. That was so good. I told you! We'll see if it stays down. Trust me the baby loved it.

You can't have too many of those though. Why not? Too much sugar so that's a once a week treat to train the baby to make you keep down food. Is that how it was with Desi? Worse she only wanted me to eat that and then I had to be like nope we about to eat something different. Crazy thing is now that girl would go crazy if you brought her a peanut butter sandwich and she don't even start on bananas. So, its confirmed this is a girl then. Most likely she gon be a handful too. Not too much I don't want to have to buy another gun Liv said settling in the bed. Get use to it baby we about to have 2 girls you will need the guns. She chuckled a little and laid her head on my shoulder, I love you baby. I love you too. Within 5 minutes she was out lightly snoring in my ear.

This is going to be one interesting pregnancy.


Finally, I said as the doctor cut off the last little bit of the cast from my leg. I know you couldn't wait for this thing to come off right. You have no idea! It was coming off just in time for my Moroccan themed baby shower that Noelle so diligently planned. I swear I don't know why she's working in social work when it's clear that she has a gift for event planning. I've tried to tell her to just do that, but she says that she spent too much time and money going to school to just throw it away. she believes she owes it to all those other girls out there to be a role model. I say she can be still be a role model and do what it is she loves and that's planning stuff.

Ughh its all pale I said looking at my leg! The doctor laughed, it's been locked away for what 3 months it's not going to look the way it used to. I touched where the incision marks where. Will those go away? Yup they will in 2 years you won't even be able to tell you were in a car accident. I hope so I said smiling a little. Well let's get this leg cleaned up and get you in a brace. A brace? Yeah to make sure that you are stable when you walk. It'll be less bulky than the cast and will allow you to be able to walk without the crutches. Oh okay and I'll be able to bend my knee. Yeah you should be able to bend your knee now. Slowly try to bend it he said holding it. Does that hurt? No it doesn't hurt its just real sore. That's good that means your muscles are still strong you just need to train them to work again. Thanks Doc! No problem you just take care of those babies.

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