~Chapter 44~

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Noelle's been in Florida for a few days now getting some shit together with Brian. I don't know why she felt she had to do it in person, but that's her deal. From what she explained to me they had history that couldn't just be squashed over the phone. Despite everything that girl has been through she still has that big heart. No doubt she's my child because I did the same thing with Andre. As much as he broke my heart I still loved him and if I am being truthful to myself I still love him till this day. Don't trip I don't want his ass back but I have love for the man that gave me 2 beautiful kids. I'd never tell him that but I think he knows, cause after we got back to Atlanta from our vacation he sent me a letter apologizing for everything and he also sent me a dozen pink roses.

My mission right now is finding out why this bitch is after my daughter. It was one thing for her mess around with her kids, but mine nope it ain't happening. Noelle's the only child I have left and I'll be damned if she thinks she's going to take her out of this world before it's her time. I kept in contact with some of the girls from when I was in prison and one in particular would be able to help me find out where Veronica was.

Her girl! Hey Lena! Funny us meeting up outside of the clank. I know right! How you been? Good I got married again, got my baby back, and had a few more kids. Really how many more? 3 more. Damn girl you got busy didn't you! Well I technically only had 1 of the 3 my husband now had 2 of his own so you know how that goes. How are you though it's been what almost 9 years? Yeah it has, No, man but I got my daughter back and my family. That's great I know you really missed them. I did!

What are we really here to discuss? You remember my old cellmate? Which one you had a few? Roni's crazy ass. That bitch why you looking for her? Let's say we got some unfinished business to handle. Unfinished business, she ain't into girls if that's what you looking to settle. Lena really do I look like that type of bitch? If you'd asked me back in the day I would say I don't know. Never I loves the pipe way too much to switch to licking or eating anything! Mmm don't we all she said smirking. She's after my baby and I can't have that. Your daughter! Mhm apparently her old ass son was messing with my 21-year old daughter. Wait how old was her son? At the time he met her he was about 40 something. How old is she damn! She's only 20 years older than him. Why she after your daughter? I don't know that's what I need to find out, and I know you were kind of close with her. We weren't that close and the last time I saw her, her ass was on a billboard selling real estate. Real Estate. Mhm she's supposed to be some big-time agent here in Atlanta. If you want to find her maybe you need to buy a house.

I thought about what Lena said and to my surprise when I looked Veronica up she had an impressive background in real estate. She sold homes to all of the rich and famous people here in Atlanta and even had offices in Miami, New York, and Vegas. She was doing good for herself but at the same time I felt like she was in some shit or causing some shit. I sat out to find out exactly what she was into.

Candace we aren't looking for a house we have a house. I know that but we can always inquire couldn't we I said as we went into the office. What shit you trying to pull Michelle? Nothing! Lie again she said popping me. Hey that hurt and I am too old for you to be popping me like that. Try me, what you trying to pull? Before I could answer this petite little Hispanic girl comes bouncing into the front office. Welcome to Myles Reality, how can I help you? Um we are in the market for a new house. Well you came to the right place Myles reality is the best real estate agency in Georgia. That's what I hear I said giving her a fake smile. I took notice of the décor in the office. Complete opulence yet at the same time you could see that she was obviously fearful of something or someone. There were cleverly hidden cameras and what real estate agency has an armed body guard at the door?

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