~Chapter 34~

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I sat in the dimly lit restaurant awaiting Jasmine. I got a message in my mailbox to meet her at this location cause she wanted to talk to me. I was skeptical about meeting her alone but I needed to know what Jamal's mother was up to and she was the only one that could give me the answers I needed. I made sure to cover my ass so I turned on the tracking device on my phone and I also had Chuck accompany me to watch my back. I know if I can't trust anyone I could trust him to make sure that I was okay and that Jasmine wasn't trying to pull nothing over on me. My sister don't need to know about this cause I don't want them hurt what so ever. Merci is with Shawn and Li, he came and got her cause Li wasn't feeling well or something. I'll be sure to talk to her about that when I am done with this.

I spotted a woman walking in the restaurant with sunglasses and a head scarf on. I looked around watching my surroundings and making sure Chuck was still in the line of site. Cause this was giving me a sense of mad Déjà Vu. He nodded signifying that was her. I mentally calmed myself and rubbed my hands together. She approached the table and sat down. Jasmine! Mhm she said taking off her sun glasses and head scarf. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. Mhm! I know you're confused and wondering why I needed to speak with you so urgently.

Actually, I am quite confused I figured you never liked me. Contrary to that I love you. Excuse me! I love you! You are my niece and I never wanted to see you get hurt by him or her for that matter. Your niece, how am I your niece? You're Andre's little girl correct. Yeah! Tanni and Jenay's father is Warren his brother. Confusing right she said chuckling a little. Yeah very confusing, did you know who I was the night I came to that dinner at his moms house? Initially no, it wasn't till half way through dinner that I noticed you had that small scare on your wrist, she said reaching for my arm. How do you know about that? I was there when you got it. You and Tanni running through the house like always knocked over a glass and cut your arm. There was blood everywhere. Candace and I stayed in the emergency room with you two, always in something. Mhmp I miss those days with my best friend and our kids. What happened between you two? Where do I start? At the beginning.

We were like sisters, we spent a lot of time together cause of the men in our lives. Although Warren wasn't like your father he wanted to be involved with Tanni and Jenay. Why wasn't he then? My mother said he wasn't right. He wasn't making the money that Andre was he wasn't the talent he was just in the background. She thrived on making sure Michael, James, April, and I went for the top. And where was Jamal? Noelle Jamal wasn't his real name. What do you mean it wasn't his real name? His real name was Michael Andrew Bennett she had his name legally changed to Jamal Myles when he was 15. The name Jamal comes from his father and Myles was from her 5 husband. She named him after her husbands. Yeah but not for the reasons you think. My mother is sick and twisted. Oh tell me about it. No I mean mentally she's psychotic and a social path. She changed his name to Jamal Myles so that when he turned 17 she could marry him and keep the name.

What! She was sexually assaulting him? In so many words yes. She tried to procreate with him. Eww she was gonna have baby with her own son. She had miscarriage genetically it didn't work. After that it wasn't the same and he ran off completely left Georgia. Wait...wait yall are from Georgia? Yeah you thought we were from St. Louis? He said St. Louis was his home town I just assumed. No St. Louis is where his father was from. And I assume when he left that's where he ran off to. No, we've been in Georgia our whole lives. When did he come back? When he was about 21 or 22 I'd just had Jenay and your mom left about 6 months after that. Did my mom know your mom back then I mean I know they were in prison together but? Candace was in prison? Mhm! Oh god! Candace never met my mom early on, she was always ripping and running chasing down the next man. It wasn't till Michael came back that she settled down in Atlanta again. She started these businesses and she got him involved in them.

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