~Chapter 33~

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I looked at the phone contemplating on how I should do this. I mean my lawyer said since there are no standing orders he has the right to see her. Desiree doesn't know what happened between her father and myself, and I hope she never does. Things between us started out good but fell off when he thought I was paying too much attention to other things. And by other things he meant Lisa! Lisa was the main point of most of our fights. He said I loved her more than I loved him. Which wasn't true, I mean I do love Lisa but I know when to draw the line between our relationship and the relationship I had with Lisa. I did and still do love Lisa and nothing or no one will ever change that.

Fuck it just call him and get it over with Tionne, I said to myself. I grabbed the phone and dialed his number, halfway hoping that he wouldn't answer so I wouldn't have to speak to him.

Hello! Damn I mumbled to myself. Dedrick it's me. Tionne! Yeah! What's up? I called to talk to you about Desi. How is my baby? She's fine. Umm I know you want to see her but...You really called to start shit, I want to see my damn daughter. First off calm the fuck down and don't raise your voice at me and secondly, I was calling to say you can see her but in Atlanta. Why I gotta come all the way out there, why can't yall just come here? If memory serves me correct I was going to bring her but you bailed on her. I told you something came up. I am sure it did look she has her first dance recital of the year is in a few weeks can you make it?

There was a pause on the phone and then he sighed. What time is it at? 7pm at their dance studio I can send you the invitation. Alright send me the invitation and I want to spend the entire weekend with her. Okay that's fine with me. She can come with you after her recital for a little bit and then you can pick her up bright and early on Saturday. Why can't I have her over night? Ded...Tionne I just want to see her I ain't gone do nothing stupid. Can we try it this way and then she can stay on Saturday night? Fine, thank you for letting me see her. She misses you and I can't keep her from you any longer. I'll send you the invitation. Okay I'll be looking for it. Bye! Bye Tionne he said before hanging up.

God I really hope I am doing the right thing with this. Doing what right babe Liv said coming into the kitchen. Uhh nothing. Nothing! Lie again she said getting something out the refrigerator. How do you know I am lying? Well you just told me and two you're supposed to be working on that song yet you sitting in the kitchen tapping your finger nails on the counter like you ain't got shit to do. I just talked to Desi's father. And what did his ass have to say? He's coming to see her recital. Interesting and how did he find out about that? I told him, she's been asking about him and I can't keep telling her he's working. So, when were you going to discuss this with me? Please don't Liv I wasn't trying to start any drama. Equal partners and parents means that just like you're her mom I am too and we need to be on the same page. I mean you'd be pissed off if I just let Malik roll off with Jacob and you didn't know. I guess you have point. You know I have point and a valid one at that she said pecking my cheek.

What do you say we get our village to watch our kids on Saturday night, so we can go out on a date. A date like just the two of us. Yes just the two of us. In a few months we're gonna be a family of 5 and date nights will be few and far between. Okay so which village member are we calling on this time? Kayo! I owe him one for dropping off his bad ass kids that last time. They aren't that bad. Girl bye you know you wanted to beat they asses. Well our kids aren't bad like that. Nope they aren't cause they know we don't play that.


Come on Taj you gotta sleep for mommy I said rocking him as I walked back and forth. I looked over at Tamir and Tyree sleeping like there was not a care in the world. This was our nightly routine since Tae went back home. I wanted her to stay but she's trying her hardest to deal with her feelings about me and me being married to Tyree.

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