~Chapter 8~

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You want the honest true to god truth Noelle, Liv said to me. No Lie to me! Yeah tell me the truth and don't spare me I can handle it. Honestly Noelle no I can't see you marrying Brian. Don't get me wrong he loves you he really does, but I don't think he can handle you Noelle, you come with a lot of scars and baggage, some of which he's not equipped to handle. Yeah he can soothe the pain a little but he can't handle it not all of it and honestly he never will be able to handle you. What about you Ti I said looking at her. Although you are a lot to handle he's good for you, I mean I see a different Noelle when you are with him. Not the same woman who was being abused but one that is taking control of her life and knows what she wants. I don't think you're going to find anyone else that will treat you with the love and respect that he treats you with.

So you don't think Tyriq would. Now that's a different situation cause Tyriq is and always will be your true love. You love Brian you do, but would you take a bullet for him, like you would Tyriq? Who said I would take a bullet for Tyriq? Girl bye you'd throw yourself in front of a moving car to save Tyriq's ass. And don't you dare lie cause you fought that bald head girl in high school for saying she gave him head when she didn't. Point taken I said rolling my eyes.

Lisa! She sucked her teeth and leaned in towards me. I want you to be honest with yourself Noelle it ain't about proving it to us. Are you over Tyriq? Why do yall keep bringing him up, I haven't seen him in almost 10 years. This is why she said turning the picture of him and I around on the desk. You see this, this is why you can't make up your mind and move on. That's just an old picture I mean I had that picture when I was with Jamal. Yeah but was it out for him to see? Hell did that picture even go to St. Louis with you? No it wasn't because you know that nigga would have turned that whole house upside down if he knew it even existed. So what you saying? What we've all been saying Noelle just talk to him damn we not saying marry the nigga or fuck him we saying talk to him. Talk! Just talk! Sit across a table and talk to him cause despite what you think he's got some apologizing to do as well. I looked at Liv and Ti, and they had the same look like yeah talk to him.

What if he doesn't want to talk to me? Oh my god Li said throwing up her hands and getting up. Noelle this nigga has been asking about you since he moved back to Atlanta 4 years ago! He's done everything short of stalking your damn ass. Trust if ain't want to talk to you he wouldn't be asking, Liv said.

How is it yall know and see him but I've yet to see him anywhere in Atlanta? Cause you not in the right places to see him. Well I go places I don't just sit in the house. You really could have fooled me Ti said. Aye I go places okay! Yeah the grocery store, work, and Lisa's house. Oh wait yall she goes one more other place to the park. Yall not funny I said walking out the office with them behind me. Aww baby sister don't be mad. I am not mad! Yeah you are I can see the vein in your forehead. Yall make it sound like I don't have any friends and shit. Well if the shoe fits, Lisa said. I have friends! Name one person other Olivia.

Uh...there's... wow I really didn't have any friends. I mean I had associates but as far as friends I didn't. Jamal cut me off from everyone. Even though he's dead and gone I still feel like that scared girl who was afraid to talk to anyone out of fear that he'd come home and beat the shit out of me. Yeah I cling to my sisters but that's only because I know I can trust them, these other folks I don't know shit about. Damn thanks for the slap in the face. We're just looking out for you Noelle and this hole you're in you can't stay in it forever.

Mama! Yeah baby! Can Desi and Naya stay the night? Baby did you ask their parents? She looked at Ti. Titi can Desi and Naya stay the night? Merci you know Naya don't belong to me. I know but Roro not here. Go ask Ms. Ava if she can. Okay she said going back to where all of our mothers were. I swear that little girl is the splitting image of you. That's my baby I said smiling.

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