~Chapter 47~

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Once we landed I split off from Noelle to come and meet up with Malik. After he told me about the shit that CJ and Amber pulled on Noelle I was livid. I didn't see why they had so much hate and disdain for Noelle she'd never done anything to them and they were doing shit to her like she killed one of they'd family members or something. CJ was acting like a female, he was doing the absolute most to someone that...I don't know why in her right mind she loved him but she did. If anything, I'd suspect this shit from Amber cause she was jealous of Noelle. Because Noelle always had the best of everything even it was cheap, she made it look like a million dollars and everyone in school liked her, even the damn teachers. Amber on the other hand had to get her attention in other ways. Ways that made it seem as if she was nothing but a hoe looking for the come up. The night at Noelle's party wasn't the only time she'd tried to hit on me, she'd done it countless times and every single time I'd tell her that I didn't want her ass whether Noelle in the picture or not I wasn't down for the pass around pussy.

I knew Mama wasn't at the house so I dipped by and grabbed my gun before heading to meet Malik at the spot we agreed upon earlier today. I know what you are thinking Tyriq a gun! I am the man of the house I gotta protect my mother and my daughter so yeah, I keep a gun out of reach of my child and my mama cause she got a little bit of a temper and I don't need shooting my ass either. Just as I was pulling up my phone rang. Ughh what the hell does she want.

Yeah! We need to talk! About what? Our daughter, I don't like that you got some bitch around her. I looked at the phone before putting it back to my ear. Bitch! Noelle ain't a Bit...Noelle! Your cousin! Shit! I forgot I never told Monique exactly who Noelle was only that she was my cousin. I gotta go! No we need to talk about this shit. Noelle as in your cousin, right? Why are so concerned cause another woman is doing the job you should be doing I said dodging her questions about Noelle? She's my baby! Newsflash she ain't a baby anymore and she made her decision she don't want to see you. Tyriq! Bye Monique! I said hanging up in her face. I don't have time to deal with her bull shit today or any day for that matter. Soon as I handle this CJ thing I am calling my lawyer and making sure she doesn't come around me or my daughter again.

I pulled up to the hotel on the edge of town and parked towards the back of the parking lot where my car couldn't be seen or identified. Room 212 I said searching before finding it. I knocked 3 times and waited for the signal.

Bloods or Crips?

Bloods all day every day! I heard the locks click before the door opened and I was snatched into the room. Whoa! He's cool he's the one we waiting on Malik said to the dude that was holding the gun to my head. Tyriq! Yeah I said nodding to him. Nice to meet you he said putting the gun down. Malik man you got the crazy mofo's up in here. You said someone I can trust, I can trust Marcel. Ain't that right he said looking at him. Fo sho, we blood that's my cousin I rides for him all the time. Marcel this is Tyriq! What's up nigga! Nothing just here to handle that business. That's what I heard, so this half breed mother fucker been messing with your girl. He ain't half nothing his parents as white as the pure driven snow. What's the plan we capping him soon as he gets here or what? Or what Malik said smirking. Wait what you trying to do now? The way I see it he can't leave this earth without apologizing to Noelle. What we gon do is help him to that apology and then when he's done he can leave the way we need him to.

I am impressed, he thought about Noelle in this and didn't want to just kill him for his own reasons. Okay what about the broads. Oh Amber, I think she'll be getting hers from someone else. What you do? I may have mentioned to some credible sources that Veronica was running a little organization for young girls. And I may have listed Amber and Tiffany's names as being involved as well. Either way I have a feeling they won't be alive for much longer either. We'll hear about that on the morning news though.

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