~Chapter 16~

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Hey girl I said walking into Noelle house. Hey! Whoa! What she said looking around. That smile! What you talking about Liv? You saw him, didn't you? Saw who? Tyriq Bridges that's the only person on this earth that make you smile like that! She looked away, Ooo don't even lie it's written all over your face you saw him. So, what if I did. He tattoo his name on that again? No, I ain't opened my legs to him that easily. Not to say I didn't want to she said smirking. You nasty! Whatever, it is, what it is the nigga is fine and can still get it any day and twice on Sunday. Don't let him hear you say that, he'd have you on this island right now. And Id take that shit too! If they only knew how nasty you really were.

How did it really go I said sitting at the island? I'd be lying if I ain't say I wanted him so bad Liv. He's the one Noelle you been known that. Hell I know that, he's the only nigga I was willing to share you with. Really! Really Noelle! I am not trying to jump into another toxic "I kill you before you kill me" type of relationship. You know Tyriq ain't like that he wouldn't put a hand on you that way and as far as toxic both of yall are intense which makes yall a good match for each other. You may be right she said taking a sip of her wine.

You want some! No no I am good. You turn down wine now that ain't normal. I am good just don't want to drink tonight. Oh well where is your other half yall usually not apart? She said she had something to do and the kids are with their friends so it's just me chilling tonight. On a Friday night Liv that don't even sound right. I know but I am going to enjoy it, you know I don't get very many Friday nights off. True that! So where is your cookies and cream bar? She rolled her eyes looking away. What happened? His ass lied and he ain't showed up since. Lied you know that ain't right. Yeah, he come feeding me some sad song about how he was going to give up Noah for adoption he couldn't take care of him and shit, I yelled at him and then I felt sorry, so I let him hit. Wait you felt sorry for him so you let him hit? Truth be told I was horny and the vibrator just wasn't going to help me, so yeah I did. But his ass didn't have to lie to my face. Noelle, I said shaking my head at her, what did he lie about? He said he took Noah to my sister's house, so I ask Ti, Li, and Ro if they had watched Noah and none of them watched that boy. So where the hell did he leave him then? Your guess is as good as mine. Damn why he pull them into it? I don't know but that was the wrong play if he thought he was getting closer he ain't. That's for sure I said looking around her kitchen.

Noe, can I ask you something? Anything! You tell Brian about the money you have in the bank? Hell No, that money is for...that money is for you and Amarah to live on. I know that, but I don't need him getting any bright ideas I keep a low profile cause I don't want him or anyone else for that matter looking into me and mines. If you married him what were you going to tell him? Nothing like I said it's Amarah's money. If we and that's a very strong if, he should be taking care of us not the other way around. True that it shouldn't be any other way. Why you ask though? Don't get me wrong Noelle you know I try not to butt into your life and the decisions you make, but there is something about Brian that just isn't right to me. She came over and sat next to me at the island, did you hear something about him? No I didn't just, its this gut feeling. Like the feeling you got about CJ? I was really trying to give him the benefit of the doubt Noelle but for real he a producer but he ain't put out nothing popping. Popping Liv she said laughing. I am serious, we come from musical families, Lisa produces, Ti produces, Brat produces, your damn father is Dr. Dre enough said. Yet Brian got what? A few mediocre songs. He out her buying shit that he seemingly can't afford. Well tell me how you really feel Liv. I am not trying to trip out on you but just think about it.

Hmm she said thinking about it. Noelle on the real I just don't think Brian can do for you what Tyriq can in terms of protecting you and Amarah and sometimes I do worry about you and Merci's safety if he found out how much money you really have. You want to know the truth Liv? Of course, I just told you how I really felt about Brian. I like Brian, but I don't think I can see myself being married to him. Why not? Think about Liv, we've known each other how long and this man has never introduced me to his family, not his mama, daddy, sisters, aunts, uncles, dog, nobody. I am starting to think he's hiding me and my child from them. I thought you knew his sister? I knew of her but I ain't never met here the only visual I have of her is the memory of her going to fuck Jamal that night and that little boys face.

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