~Chapter 3~

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Come on Zayan and Zaliyah we gotta go daddy is waiting for us. We going to see daddy! Yes ma'am, we are but you need to put on your shoes so we can leave. YAAYYY DADDY she said running to get her shoes on. The past few weeks after Noelle's birthday been weird, Ti told me that Noelle and I didn't sleep together but something tells me that we did and that she just doesn't realize it. I think neither of us really know what happened in that room that night and I don't think we want to know either. Shawn and I are in counseling and we're really working on our marriage, the counselor suggested that we spend at least one day a week together to reestablish that familial bond that was there before. We are alternating weekend spending time with the twins together. Meaning we spend the whole day together from sun up to sun down, so that's what we're doing today family time.

The rest of the girls well they been having their own issues, Ti and Liv are in an awkward space after I let it slip that Liv and Noelle were closer than what Ti knew. I was wrong for saying it, but it's a double standard for her to say she love me and she love Olivia but I can't be with Noelle. Not that I am saying that I want to be with Noelle, but if I did she shouldn't be able to have her cake and eat it too. I am just waiting for that phone call from Noelle when Ti asks her about it though cause I know she is going to ask.

Daddy is here I said hearing the doorbell ring. Yay daddy Zay said running to the door. Hey Sha...Andre what are you doing here I said pulling Zayan back behind me. Well hello to you to Lisa, it's been a long time hasn't it. Not long enough why are you here, I haven't seen you like 5 years. Can we talk? No my husband is on his way so you need to leave. Lisa I just want to talk come on don't be that way he said reaching for my arm. Andre leave now please I am not doing this in front of my children. Sure enough to make things worse Shawn pulls up right as Andre tries to reach for me again.

Hey baby he said kissing me on the cheek. Hey! He looked Andre up and down, Can I help you? Naw man he said backing up and looking at me. It was good to see you Lisa maybe we can catch up sometime he said before going to his car and driving off. Shawn it's not what you think I answered the door thinking it was you, I didn't think he knew where I lived.

Did he see the kids? Just Zayan. I don't want him around you or the kids. Me either don't worry I didn't invite him here. Here this is yours he said handing me an envelope. What's this? Your answer to the question you asked me. The results to the DNA test that I asked him to take. Have you looked at the results? No because I know 100% he isn't mine, I messed up Lisa but I ain't mess up that bad. I'll look at this later, let's go enjoy our day with our kids.

3 hours later we were leaving the zoo. Mommy! Mommy! Yes baby! We go see gigi? No baby we are going to the movies remember I told you Gigi was busy today. Movies! Yeah you want to see Curious George! Ooo George the monkey! Yeah baby the monkey I said smiling. Zayan was knocked out from all the excitement of the zoo. I thought we were going to see Where the wild things are? Uh no they are 3 that will scare the hell out of them Shawn. But I wanted to see it. You big baby! Oh mommy don't scare hell out of daddy! Oh my god Zaliyah don't say that. She started pouting like she was going to cry. You made my baby cry he said looking at me. Oh please she playing you, she knows better than to repeat what I say. You shouldn't curse in front of her to begin with. Um okay we'll see I said as we pulled up to the movie theater.

After the movie we took the kids to eat and then we came back home and bathed them and put them to bed together. That was fun! Yeah I am wore out I said yawning. I guess I should get going? It's your house too Shawn you don't have to leave. You want me to stay? If you want to. I'll stay if we can do that old thing we use to do. Shawn I said smirking. Please! Fine come on I said going to the living room.

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