~Chapter 12~

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I was finally able to move around a little bit so Tyree was taking me to see Dr. Vi for our first appointment for the babies. I was so appreciative of my sisters for looking after me during this time but I need to start moving around more especially since I am about to be the mother of 5. 5 I thought to myself, I manage to surpass every one of them and have 5 kids. What the hell was I thinking?

What you thinking about Tyree said nudging me? The fact that in a few months we'll be the parents to 5 kids. I know that's crazy right. Yeah it is, I know we said we wanted a big family, but I thought maybe 3 not 5. You telling me, I wasn't expecting this many kids, I mean I was for sure Lisa would pop out the most kids. You funny you know how mean she was during her pregnancy she don't need to get pregnant again. You ain't never lied! Ti was the same way, mean as hell, she made Noelle cry one time. It was so heart-breaking Ty. Not Noelle, her little baby. Well that night she wasn't her little baby she was every name in the book. Damn! She doesn't know Noelle cried though. Why not I mean that's her sister. I never told her she hurt Noelle, but she quickly found out cause she left a months later and didn't come back for 2 years. Is that why she left? It probably played a factor in it, but mostly she left because of Jamal. He was the devil in a human body. I don't like him and I never met him before. Trust you didn't miss anything.

Mrs. Taylor you can come back the nurse said from the door. Come on babe he said helping me up. I got it Ty it's easier if I just do this I said putting the two crutches in front of me. We followed the nurse to the back. You're going to be in exam room 4. Thank you! I heard about your wreck we were all praying for you. Thank you! Dr. Vi will be in a few moments she said helping to get on the table. So what do you think we're having? I don't know babe, I am a little afraid it's going to be all girls I said laughing. Oh no, we can't have that many women in the house, Bryson and I need at least one more guy. Really Tyree! I am serious and especially when yall get linked up nope that's way too much estrogen in one place. I need at least one of you to be a boy he said rubbing my stomach. You know that was all your choice. Hey I am just praying it was one night I was hitting it good and produced us a boy. Tyree!

So you were hitting it good huh Dr. Vi said coming into the room? Oh my god tell me you didn't hear that? I sure did she said laughing. I am so embarrassed. Why you know how I got all of my children. I am the doctor remember of course I know how you got yours. Speaking of I hear I missed something important from your last visit? We both missed it Dr. Vi. Well let's see what we missed then she said pulling out the heart detector. This maybe a little cold! Ugh I said cause it was cold as hell. She rolled the little wand around looking for the heart beats. I was starting to get worried when she didn't immediately hear them. Ah there it is she said turning up the volume on the machine. Whew I blew out a sigh of relief. 1 she said moving it around 2...hmm they said triplets right. Yes ma'am. Are you not finding the heartbeat? I don't want to alarm you but no! My heart literally dropped, and Tyree squeezed my hand. It could be that baby is smaller and behind one of the other babies we need to do a sonogram to see. Could the other doctor have possibly made a mistake I mean they were in a rush to do surgery he could have heard something that wasn't there? You are absolutely correct in that Mr. Taylor. Let's do the sonogram first before we make any brash judgements. Okay!

It's going to be okay Mrs. Taylor I've prepared you for something like this happening. I know but to actually have to be in it is a different situation. Well think about this the two heart beats that we heard are very strong and if I am guessing correctly you are about 3 to 4 months pregnant. You think she's that far along doc? The heart starts to beat at 6 weeks, meaning if the doctor that operated on you was able to hear it you were at a minimum 6 weeks pregnant. It's been over a month and a half since your surgery that's another 6 weeks which would make you about 12 weeks give or take right now. 4 months I said looking at her. Yes 4 months which puts you into the 2nd trimester of your pregnancy and decreases your chances for a miscarriage by 30%. I am going to go and call the sonogram people you two sit tight she said walking out the door.

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