~Chapter 14~

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Come on Merci we gotta get you to dance. I am coming Gigi she said coming out the living room with her duffle bag. Where the twins? They at Nona's house okay come on we already running late I said opening the door for her to come face to face with someone I was hoping I'd never see again. And someone that Merci should ever know. True enough I'd only met her one time and that one time she was rude as fuck and I wanted to pop her in the face, but for Noelle's sake I didn't. Now she's standing at my front door, for what? How the hell she even find out where I live at? I grabbed Merci's hand pulled her back as she went towards the door. She ain't killing me cause his snake of a mother saw her daughter. Nope not happening.

Hello Lisa! What do you want? No Hello or how are you? I know your mother taught you better manners than that. Don't even bring my mother into this. What the hell do you want? Such a foul mouth for a lady and in front of your beautiful daughter as well she said peeping around me to see Merci. Why would I give you the courtesy of being nice to you? I am looking for Noelle! Who! Don't play stupid little girl, she ain't just disappear I know you know where is. Merci baby go into the living room I said not taking my eyes off of the snake that slithered to my door. I thought we were going to the dance lesson? We are go just go call papa! Papa she said. Yeah Papa! Oh okay she said going back into the living room.

We'd created a code word for situations like this and Amarah knew if I told her to go call papa it meant to go into the living room and sit until I called for her. I've only ever used it 2 times both of which were times when Shawn had showed up drunk and I didn't want her to see her god father that way so I sent her away while I handled it.

I stepped out the house and closed the door behind me. Listen here you old decrypted looking bitch don't come to my house again. She smirked, don't fuck with me I didn't get where I am today taking orders from sluts like you. No, you killed your way to where you are today and contrary to what you believe you are not as dangerous as you think you are. Get your 95 white diamonds wearing old ass off my door step before I make you wish you weren't born. Hmph she said chuckling a little bit. We'll see who's really dangerous sweetheart. Don't worry I'll see you again Lisa she said before walking off to her town car. I watched her go down the street before going back into the house to get Merci.

Come on Merci let's go. Who was that woman Gigi? Don't worry about it she is no one that you will ever have to worry about. She looked at me like Noelle does when I am keeping something from her. Don't look at me like that I said laughing. Like what Gigi! Like I am bullshitting you. Ooo I am telling you said a bad word. What I tell you snitches get stiches. Okay Gigi she said laughing as we got into the car. I drove her to the dance studio, so she could get to her lessons on time cause I wasn't about to hear Noelle's mouth about her being late. We pulled up to the studio with 5 mins to spare before the class started.

Come on which class is it I said following her into the room when I bumped into someone. My bad! I looked up at him. Tyriq! Lisa! What you doing here? My daughter is in this dance class. Daughter! Yeah, my daughter. Oh, I said looking around before noticing Merci still standing there. Who is this pretty little girl he said looking at Merci. This is Amarah. Hi Beautiful he said going down to her level. What's up chump! Amarah! She looked him up and down sucking her teeth. He just laughed, yeah that's your little girl ain't it? Actually she's not. Merci go into your class baby girl, I'll be waiting out here for you okay. Okay Gigi she said running off into the class room.

So who does the little angel belong to Tyriq said as we took a seat on the bleachers in the back of the dance room? Did you ever make that call? No, I didn't I haven't been able to pull myself together to do it. What do I say to her it's been 12 years since I last saw her at that airport in Honduras. She was pissed Li! Of course, she was you just spent a whole month screwing her knowing that you had a baby mama back in California. You don't have to remind me I have that daily reminder from my mother. So does she live with you? Who! Your daughter stupid. Oh yeah she does I wasn't going to leave her with her mother in California.

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