~Chapter 46~

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~ Li~

I was pacing the bathroom till I heard the knock I'd been waiting on. Get in here now I said pulling her in the bathroom and locking the door. Lisa what the hell did you call me over here for in the middle of the damn day you know I got a pregnant wife at home right. Yeah I know but I need you for something. Something like what and why we in the bathroom any damn way? I needed you for this I said pulling out the test. Oh shit. Are you? I don't know I am nervous to take it. The doctor told me to wait 4 months before we start trying to have a baby but something ain't right Ti. What you mean? I mean my boobs hurt like crazy and the smell of ground meat literally makes me sick Tionne, and the sex, the sex has been intense. Like real intense. Have you missed your period? I thought it was as a result of the surgery. How many times? Just once. Once li you just said the sex was intense. I know but I've only missed one period since I've gotten it back. Take the test! I...take the test Lisa! Don't stress it. Okay I said opening the box. I am gonna step out so you can do this. Don't leave the room ok. Fine I'll stay in the room you just come out when you ready. I nodded as she left the bathroom. I looked at the test said a quick prayer and proceeded to take it. Once I was done I washed my hands and went back into the room to see Ti sitting in on of the chairs reading something.

What are you reading? Your journal! WHAT!!! I am joking I am reading this book on adoption. What's this about anyway she said waving the book at me? It's an option you know in case it doesn't work out. You really would adopt if it didn't work out? Yeah, I would I mean there are tons of kids out there that need good parents. I was thinking about adoption too. You mean prior to Olivia getting pregnant? No, I mean in general. We want another baby and I know that I am not going to be able to do it but we could adopt one. Tionne, Liv isn't even 6 months yet and you talking about another baby. She is 6 months Li. Really yeah, she is and I don't mean right now I mean in like 2 or 3 years Have you told your wife? Yes, for your information we've discussed it. Mhm I am sure I said rolling my eyes at her.

I hope you are pregnant Li. Huh! I hope you are pregnant. Why! Because I've always loved you seeing in that mothering role. You saying that cause this one belongs to you huh! You know it! And I already have a name picked too. Oh really and what names do you have? I can't tell you yet we gotta see what we're having first. You're too much Ti. You still love me though. Maybe! Maybe! I put in how many years on your...shhh just do me a favor go see the results I am too nervous. I guess I can go and see it, but we gon talk about that comment you just made. I let out a deep breath and said a silent prayer to myself. I felt her sit on the bed. Lili! Just a minute! Whew ok what's the results? Why don't you look she said handing me the test? I looked at her and then down at the test.


I am pregnant! Yup Lili you're pregnant. Oh my god! Congratulations! Thanks, Ti for being here for me. Anytime! But I am a go so you can tell your husband privately.

Wait I needed to tell you something else. What's up? Um they found out where Heather is. Did they? Yeah, she's in some islands over by Fiji. But it's not Jamal that's with her it's his twin brother Malachi James Bennett. James! Yeah, the check she's receiving every month is a disability check for him. Apparently from what Zora and Natalie found out they would tag team. James would meet the girls woo them and get them to follow in love and then Jamal or Michael as his birth certificate says comes in and lays down the hammer on them.

Wait you saying Noelle was sleeping with two different men? Mhm she was. How did she figure it out? Well Jamal was shot in the shoulder at one point he had a bullet wound in his right shoulder. James doesn't have the wound. My guess is that James fell for Noelle but once Jamal found out he kept him away from her. I am not sure how he ended up disabled but Heather's been taking care of him ever since. Is she taking it okay. Well from what Tasha said I don't think she's worried about him anymore. What's that mean? Sex and lots of it. You serious? Yeah! But she's using condoms so we shouldn't end up with 3 pregnant people. Knock on wood cause you know how she is. Yeah well I already told Tyriq wrap it up or don't do it. Do you think it's natural that we control her the way we do? Control, we don't control Noelle if we did would she be having unprotected sex? No! We're here to make sure she doesn't get in her own way and that positions time is slowly running out. Running out what you mean by that? I mean that sooner or later Mr. Bridges is going to propose to her and we need to start preparing for the fact that she's going to say yes. I am prepared for her to say Yes Li, I want to see my sister happy and since he's come back in to the picture we've seen the Noelle that we use to see when she was younger. I know but it won't be the same Noelle she will no longer need us to help her make decisions like before.

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