~Chapter 15~

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So, about this baby shower what should the colors be Noelle said not answering Ti's question. We all know Noelle's not ready to face this situation no matter how much she says she don't love Tyriq that boy is tattooed on her soul and she knows it but we'll play along and pretend like it don't really matter.

She knows the sex of the babies but won't tell me Li said. Damn right I am not telling you cause you run your mouth, everybody and they mama will know if I tell you. That's not true. Li it kind of is. Hush Ti no one was asking you. Look I don't want a big drawn out shower just something simple and classic. Excuse me you are having triplets you gotta have a big baby shower. I am not. What! The doctor miss heard its only twins. Oh well that's still good Ro I mean a baby is a blessing regardless of how many you have. I know I was just kind of getting use to the thought of having 3. Well you can have one of mine. Lisa! I am playing I love my babies.

Okay Ro what colors then since we can't know the sexes? Gender neutral so lilacs, mint green, gray. Ooo what if we do a Moroccan themed baby shower. For real Noelle? I am serious that way it won't matter the color scheme or anything it'll just be fun time for everyone. I am down for that we can get belly dancers and...Hold up we not having no belly dancers at the baby shower Noelle. I think it'd be dope Ro come on just let me plan it I promise you won't be disappointed. You really don't have choice Ro she's gonna plan it weather you like it or not. Okay but no ass showing at all I want it classy Noelle. Yay she said hugging me. Okay now tell me the sexes. Nope yall just have to wait till we decide to tell. Ugh fine I'll get the information even if I have to call the doctor and get it my damn self she said pouting. I looked at her knowing that she was crazy enough to do something like that too. She actually did it to Li and never told that she knew the sexes well before Shawn and Li did.

Li brought me home after a few hours I was starting to get tired and I didn't want to fall asleep at Ti's house. Oh my god where have you been Tyree said as Li and I came into the house. Remember babe I had the appointment. Appointment! Yeah with the orthopedic doctor. Oh...oh yeah he said remembering. Thanks Li! No problem girl I'll see you later. Okay! Bye Tyree! Mhm he said not even acknowledging her. She noticed and was about to say something, I quickly shook my head letting her know it was okay to go. I heard the door click and I looked at Tyree. Babe what's wrong? He just kept pacing the living room. Tyree! Just shut up! I sat back a little cause he's never raised his voice at me and he knew that I didn't go for that. I don't care if I am pregnant I'll beat his ass with this crutch before that'll happen.

Tyree I don't know what's up with you but you don't speak to me that way. Now calm down and come correct cause I am not going for that shit. He looked at me for a minute before snapping back to himself. I am sorry baby you know I wouldn't talk to you that way. What's the matter Tyree? I lost my job today. What! It was some wack shit the boss called me in and said they didn't need me anymore. What you mean they didn't need you anymore Tyree you the best Architect they got at that firm. You handle all of the big time shit for them! I know that's why it caught me off guard. What are we gonna do Rosy we got two babies on the way and 2 more that need clothes, food, and this house we can't afford this house if I am not working.

Come here I said motioning for him to come to me. Baby I am sorry he said rubbing my stomach. It's okay and we'll be fine we got savings and besides maybe it was a blessing. A blessing! Yeah now you can start your own shit. You believe in me he said looking at me. Of course if I didn't I wouldn't push you as hard as I do. Thank you. You're welcome, now your babies want some food! I got you baby what you want? Ribs! Ribs! Yeah with lots of bbq sauce too. You sound like Noelle now! I do don't I. Speaking of her she's doing the baby shower. You tell her the sex of the babies? Nope, nobody knows but us and I want to keep it that way so if she or Lisa, or Tionne calls you for information you know nothing, got it. Got it he said smiling. Tyree just trust me everything will be fine it's all going to work out. I know it will baby. I believe in you and I got us no matter what. I know it's just you know I am traditional. Baby we both are but what did the pastor say we cleave to each other and become 1. So, if I got it you got it and vice versa. Damn I am lucky huh! No you blessed you found a queen. I did didn't I. You sure did now get in there on them ribs. Love you Oce! Love you too baby I said pecking his lips.

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