~Chapter 24~

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So did he come and get her? Yeah, he did but I told him she needed to be back by 8. Noelle may have her plans but I don't trust him and I don't want her staying no longer than she has too. I still can't believe he did that shit. Me either and it took everything in me not run that m'fer over with my truck. You and me both! You talk to Noelle? Yeah, I did the other day before they got on the plane to go to Hawaii she said that she had a whole bunch of stuff to tell us when she got back. She stays having stuff to tell us. I know something is always going on with her.

You still mad at me? We don't need to talk about it. Ti I am... before you say you're sorry think if you really are? I've known you for a long ass and I know that you have feelings for Noelle. I tried for so long Ti. I know and I can't even fault you because I am married to the one person that pursued me for 10+ years. It just makes it so complicated because of yall's relationship. Noelle and my relationship will never change she's my sister. Now as far as what yall did that's yall's business just like what we did was ours. And what her and Liv did is theirs. I just don't want you mad, at me. I am not Li so don't trip besides, I got all the deets from Noelle on how it went.

No you didn't! You sure I didn't, I thought that thing you do with your tongue was only for me. Oh my god! I am joking Li she ain't tell me anything. Don't play like that Ti it's not funny. It was hilarious you thought she would tell me that. Girl bye she ain't never gon tell me straight out how that went. I would hope not that's weird as shit. Yeah tell me about it. Look I gotta go Malik is bringing Jacob and I need to make sure that stank hoe ain't with him. Okay now mama Ti don't hurt her. She hurt herself using that turkey baster. Eww that's so gross I can't believe she did that. They just pulled up. Okay I'll talk to you later. Mhm I'll hit you up I said before hanging up the phone.

Hey Mama! Hey how was your dads house. It was okay. What you mean it was okay? It's nothing he said going up to his room. Oh you're here, Malik said walking up to the door. Yeah I am! What's up with Jacob? Nothing he's good, here he left his shoes in the car. Thanks, I'll take those since I bought them anyway I said taking the shoes from him. You know you ain't all that. Oh I am all that and more. I got the girl or better yet I got the woman. And what did you get? A hoe and a Turkey baster I said shutting the door in his face. Malik ain't about to get under my skin.

Hey baby boy I said going into his room. Hi Mama! What happened! Nothing! You know lying ain't welcomed in this house. Something happen at your dad's house now tell me what it was? His girlfriend I don't like her. She do something to you? No she was talking about you and mom. What she say? She said yall were dykes and that yall couldn't keep a man that's why yall are with each other. I chuckled a little, Jacob don't listen to nothing that nasty ho...I mean don't listen to her. I know he said giving a small smile. Something else happen? Promise you won't get mad. Depends on what you tell me. Promise mama! Fine I promise! Her friend showed me her boobs. Excuse me! I accidentlly walked into daddy's room while she was in there and she was undressing I quickly closed the door and went back to my room. She came in asked if I liked what I saw then she pulled up her tank top and showed me them again.

Mentally I was already driving to Malik's house to kill this hoe, but I couldn't let Jacob know that this was pissing me off. Jacob you don't have to worry about going back to your dad's house. Why can't I go anymore? Because she just broke the law by doing that. I won't get to see my dad again he said making a hurt face? I am not saying that I am saying you not staying at his house no more till she's gone. Oh! Come on let's go see Bryson and Ro. Wait where is Desi? With Merci, Naya, and Elizabeth at Li's house.

I was pissed the whole entire time I drove to Ro's house. If I'd gone to Li's we'd both be in jail tonight. Ro will keep me sane and not let me do something that I may regret. Then again, I don't think I would. Hey what yall doing here? Bryson here? Yeah he's out back with Tyree and some of his friends playing basketball. Go on out back baby boy. Okay mama. Hey you not gon greet me? Hi Auntie Ro. Mhm you can't just walk in my house and not say hi. I know I am sorry he said kissing her cheek. How are the babies? Closer and closer to getting evicted by the day. Aww don't push them out yet. Boy don't play she said laughing as he went out to the backyard with the rest of the boys.

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