~Chapter 39~

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I'd talked to everyone I loved in case what I am about to do leads to me losing my life. I wanted them to know that I do love them and how much I loved them. My last call wasn't my last call because I'd forgot about the person it was the last call because out of all of them this person is the person I know would take it the hardest if something happened to me.

Hello little girl! Hi mom! So, I see your children here but, where are you? I gotta take care of somethings and its better if I am not there. Now that doesn't sound right. I know but its what's best for them. Noelle, I know she's looking for you. Who told you? It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on and Jasmine told me. You've spoken with her? Yes, I have and I want you to know everything that's she told you is true. We were good friends until her mom decided that I wasn't worthy of her friendship. When you were in jail with her did she not know? She probably blocked it out, who knows the bitch is crazy. But I definitely knew who she was and I knew that if she found out who I was I wouldn't be safe in jail so I kept my mouth shut and acted dumb for those few months she was there. I took down all of my pictures of you and Andre you specifically because she had this thing about little girls. She had a thing for little girls? No no not like that I mean it was like she hated them like they made her sick yet she had a pictures Tanni and Jenay. No pictures of Jasmine and Jamal? Him yeah her nope. It was as if she never existed.

How did she even get out if she'd committed so many murders? Good question. The saying its not what you know but who you know comes to mind. You saying someone helped her get out? I am saying Noelle she had friends in high places and she had friends in low extremely low places so you do the math. Thing is as many friends as she had she also had enemies as well. Enemies! Oh yeah she does you can't marry 12 times and not piss a few people off. Can I ask you something? Only if it doesn't incriminate you. If I were to do something, how should I? She chuckled through the phone. Everyone has their weakness Noelle. Find out what hers is and I guarantee you, she'll come tumbling down. Her weakness huh! Yes her weakness! Thanks mom! Mhm you come back to me Noelle! Don't you dare let her win. I won't! Love you little girl. Love you to mom!

I looked at my phone, before cutting it off and putting it in the bag. Her weakness I said before going into the main room of the house. Are you ready for next lesson? Yes, I am. Okay lay down and close your eyes. I want you to calm yourself and I want you to tell me something that you've hidden from everyone around you. Something I've hidden! Yes, something you've hidden. I have nothing hidden from my family knows everything. Everything Noelle he said walking around me? Yes everything. Do they know you deepest darkest secret? Yeah, they do. Okay tell me something that you know that they don't. Tell me something about your marriage. It wasn't a marriage I didn't even know the man I was with. And why is that? Because he lied to me! He never told me that his name was something different or that he had 3 other wives or that his mother is a psychopath. You think he lied to you to protect you? Protect me! After the things he did to me that wasn't protection that was pure evil. Tell me something Noelle did the two of you ever have any good times together? A couple when he was calm you know. And what does calm mean he said touching my shoulder. I gasped a little and opened my eyes.

You have to remember that this person will try to get to you many ways. One is through your mental state listen to the questions they are asking you. Okay I said nodding as I closed my eyes again. What is calm Noelle? When it was just him and I alone, no one around but us. And how often was it just you and him alone? Not very often he always had someone around him. Or watching him. Watching him I said thinking back to when we lived in his house in St. Louis. There were cameras everywhere and I assumed he had them around to keep an eye on me. Make sure I didn't leave or let in some random folks. The day of my second miscarriage when he kicked me down the stairs I remember hearing him talk to one of his guys that he kept around the house about making sure the cameras were on for a certain amount of time. I didn't get what he meant by that, then again, I never tried to understand what he meant only to stay the hell out of his way.

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