~ Chapter 59~

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*** I am going to give my little blurb at the beginning of this update, because this chapter is split in two and I don't want to interrupt it. It's the update everyone has been waiting on the day Noelle and Tyriq actually walk down the aisle. It took them about 13 years but they finally got it together. Grab your Kleenex and enjoy the wedding of Noelle Watkins and Tyriq Bridges!!!***


Come on Michelle you know if we're late that girl will have a heart attack. I am coming she said coming down the hall. It's the day before Noelle's wedding and everyone is on edge. Well not really on edge more so trying not to kill the girl. 7 months of planning and now we're down to 24 hours before the day. She said didn't want anyone to be late to the wedding, so she said put all of us up in this bougie hotel close to the ceremony.

Did you get the itinerary? Yes I did, we check in at 3 on the dot then we are scheduled for a mothers event it doesn't say what it is but were doing that from 4 to 5 then at 5 we get a break to get ready for the rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner that starts at 7:15. She really planned it out huh? You know how your child is, this is normal Noelle. I am surprised she doesn't have a set bed time for us. Oh but she does we're to be in bed no later than 11:30 so that we can get up by 7:30 to have breakfast with her. She's not getting married till 5 why we gotta get up at 7:30? Hey you gotta ask her I said as we slipped into the town car she sent to personally escort us to the hotel.

I know Noelle is good at what she does but what kind of money does she have to afford all of this she said looking at the suite she booked for us. Hmph she's a blessed little girl that's for sure. I walked into my room to see 3 boxes and some gift bags sitting on the bed. I sat my purse on the dresser and picked up the card.


You'll probably never know how much I really love you. I love you for taking me in when I thought that no one else loved me. I love you for working double shifts to get me everything I begged and whined about when I was younger. I love you for letting me experience life for myself. You never once held me back or told me that I couldn't do something just because I was young or a woman. You raised me to be a god fearing, intelligent, young woman and I hope that I can be for my daughters what you were and are for me every day. I love you mama and I always will


I closed the card and wiped the tear from my eye. I never thought about how much I needed Noelle. I mean don't get me wrong I was good with Tionne and Kayo, but Noelle completed our family. I remember the nights praying for God to give me strength to raise her with all the issues that she had. And now she is as she said a god fearing, intelligent, beautiful young woman.

Hey! Hey I said looking at up at Mimi. She left you a card too. Yeah, she did. She leave you one too? Oh yeah it was a very insightful note. Well you know she's good with words. She always has been, you know I am surprised that she didn't become and author she's always been into writing. She doesn't like being critiqued. She learned that in high school after she entered this poetry contest and they told her she needed to dig deeper. After that she said nope she'll write for herself and no one else. Honestly sometimes its just better that way you know, less opinions could mean more happiness. Has she talked to you about giving her away? No has she talked to you I said. Nope she mentioned wanting to do something different but didn't say what. Hmm knowing that little girl she could do away with the whole thing and just walk herself down the aisle.

It was 4 on the dot when we heard a knock on the door. I got it I said opening the door to see Noelle and Tionne. Hey there are my beautiful girls. Hey Mama! Come on in here and tell me what we are doing for this hour? Well I wanted to have a mother daughter talk. Mother daughter talk I said sitting down across from them. Mhm, that crazy bat wasn't off on something, there are somethings that mothers should share with their daughters before they get married. I am not your mother so why am I here Ti said. Oh but you are, see if it wasn't for the 3 of you I wouldn't be the woman I am today. The mother that gave me life, the mother that raised me, the mother that taught me how to experience it. Each one of you at some point has mold me and now the 3 of you are my biggest support system. I get it Candace said smiling. I was once you with my big sister. You big sisters are something. Hey now Ti and I said, we just try to lookout for yall baby sisters but yall think no more than we do. We did kind of do that didn't we Noelle said looking at Candace. Big time, but it was them that kept us alive. True!

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