~Chapter 30~

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When I finally woke up from the mind-blowing sex Tyriq put on me last night it was well after 1 in the afternoon. Shit I said sitting up. I was supposed to meet with Charmaine to discuss some business that she wanted me to be a part of. I looked over at Tyriq's spot and he was gone. Where the hell did he go I thought as I slid out of bed and slowly made my way to the bathroom. I passed 6 condom wrappers on my way there. Thank god Li made me buy those cause I do not need a baby right now. Nope I don't! I washed up the best way I could, Tyriq and his damn anaconda sized penis got a sistah all messed up. I know for a fact I am a be walking all kinds of funny for the next few days. I pulled my hair up in to a messy bun looking at myself in the mirror, Welcome back Noelle! Slipped on some clothes and left the room to see where everyone was at.

Well well look who we have here Ti and Liv said laughing. Why didn't yall wake me up I was supposed to meet Charmaine at 10:30. I rescheduled that for you last night. Thanks! Mhmm sooo how was it? Li and Ro up yet? Yup outside come on and limp out here. Jokes not needed I said as we went outside. Yo ass is finally up huh Li said laughing. Yall do me so wrong. I bet Tyriq did you so right last night tho. Oh my god yall this nigga did me in every single position there is to be done in. Really now, do tell! Yes, I am talking Porn style positions! Damn he wasn't lying when he said he was gon tear it up. He really wasn't and quite frankly neither was I. I tapped into my inner hoe for real. Please don't ever say that, Ti said shaking her head.

Titi we all got inner hoes! I don't! Liv and Li both busted out laughing when she said that. Excuse Yall, I am not a hoe! Never said you were but you do definitely have an inner hoe babe. For real tho Li said agreeing with her. You don't even start Li! What I know I got hoe in me. Titi please don't get her started, she already tried to give me lessons on sucking dick. It's a talent to doing it. Ro was sitting there laughing at us, like she ain't done her fair share of dirt as well. Ms Chilli why you so quiet I heard all about your escapades. What you talking about I am a good girl. We all back away from the table. Really yall! Hell yeah don't want the lightening to hit us cause yo ass is lying. Ro you gon act like I ain't walk in on you and Dallas multiple times. And don't forget Tae is my best friend so I know just how freaky you are. She ain't tell you nothing. You really want me to tell what I know. You don't know anything Lisa! Bet! Alright so tell us about the time you ate the booty like groceries? Soon as Li said it I knew there was gonna be a fight.

Ooo next subject! I said interrupting them. Ro gave Li the evil eye like she was gonna say something. Where my babies at? The girls are in the house watching movies and the boys went down to the basketball court. Charmaine and them should be over here in a little while she said they had something to do so they'd come when they were done. Oh Okay I said looking between Ro and Li. Ro was still staring Li down and Li wasn't even concerned with it. We all knew Ro had it in her, but she be lowkey with her shit like she embarrassed that it happened.

Mommy! Mommy! You're up Merci said coming outside with the Elizabeth, Nyah, Desiree, and Zaliyah. Yeah baby I am up. Sorry I missed the fireworks with you. It's okay Elizabeth watched them with me and Noah. You feel better Mommy. Feel better? Yeah Gigi said you weren't feeling well so that's why you went to bed early. Oh yeah mommy feels 100% better. I am sure she does they all snickered. Yall wanna go swimming? YES!!! they yelled! Alright go put on your swim suites and I'll watch yall. Thank you they all screamed before going back in the house.

You 4 watch the remarks around my child. Yeah merci don't need to know her mama was getting some head. Liv you lucky pregnant or I'd smack the hell out of you. Did it make your toes curl girl, Ti said laughing? Yall leave her alone now. Thanks Ro! I mean it's been a while since she had that limp she came out with. They all busted out laughing. Ok go head make all the jokes you want now. Li you up next. I aint got no jokes for you Noe. Come on seriously. Nope I don't I saw him this morning when they left you sucked the soul out that man. Oh shit Noelle you sucking dick like that! Aight hand master Ro, you tell Li how you jacked off Tyree in the bathroom? See now you gone too far. Oh okay lets go then I said laughing as we all started calling each other on stuff.

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