~Chapter 38~

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The weekend had finally come for Desi to see her father again. After talking with Liv we agreed that he needed to see her home environment before we let her be with alone. Believe me Liv was not happy about Desi staying with him alone, especially not after what happened with Jacob. I assured her that situation wouldn't happen with Desiree or Dedrick as much as he gets on my last nerve sometimes he'd never hurt her or but her in harm's way. He even volunteered to bring along his wife and other kids to make it more comfortable for us and her. Whoever she is she don't have to worry about me and mine cause I am not in the least bit trying to get back with him.

Mommy! Yes baby. Is daddy really coming to our house? Yes he should be here any minute. I am nervous mommy. Why are you nervous baby? What if he doesn't like me anymore. Baby that's your father he loves you. Yeah but now he has other kids. I have other kids Desiree do you think I don't love you? No I know you love me, but daddy has more than 1. Desiree it doesn't matter how many kids your father has he will always love you no matter what. Really! Really, I said as the doorbell rang. That's him you ready to see him? Yeah, I am she said smiling. Desiree!! Come on let's go see Daddy she said pretty much dragging me out the room and down the stairs. I took a deep breath coming face to face with Dedrick and his kids. He still looked the same as he did when divorced 5 years ago. Clarification on that because Liv and I have been married for a little over 5 years now. Dedrick and I were separated long before that, like 2 years before. I pushed for the divorce and he'd never give in, that's until I found out about the other kids then it became a more pressing issue plus his ass was trying to marry the next bitch anyway.

Hello Dedrick! Tionne! You met my wife Olivia I said pecking her cheek. Yeah I did, it's nice to meet you, he said looking at Liv while holding Desi. Where's your wife this is a family dinner. At the hotel she wasn't feeling well. Mhm well I was looking forward to meeting her. She'll be there tomorrow night at the recital. Desi baby these are your brothers and sisters he said putting her down. This is Derrick, Chantel, Isaiah, and Malachi. Hi she said shyly. Baby why don't you take them to see the playroom. Okay it's this way she said leading them towards the room. That went better than I thought. It did, but the night isn't over yet. Don't remind me. I just wonder why the bit...mom! Yeah! Did you know Mack 10 was in our house? Yeah I did I said shaking my head. That's Desi's dad! Yes boy that's her dad and no you can't bug him for an autograph. I wanna know if he knows Lil Yatchy and the Migos? I highly doubt that Liv said laughing. Where did we go wrong with these kids I said following Liv back into the kitchen? I don't know but your little girl asked if Cardi B could perform at her birthday party. Come again. Yes, she said all of her friends love her and that she wanted her to perform. Perform what she don't exactly sing Kids bop songs. I know, I walked in on her saying "Fuck em then I get some money". Did you pop her butt! Uhh...Liv! No but I like the song too I just told her she couldn't say that word. Ughh what I am going to do with you? Love me cause I am carrying your child. I guess! I love you she said kissing my cheek. I know I love you too.

Dinner was eventful, with Jacob and Desiree vying for Dedrick's attention and his daughter staring at me like I had two heads I couldn't wait for it to be over and for them to leave. But I knew when it was all said and done I'd have to talk to him and I wasn't exactly ready for that. So how you been Tionne? Small talk really! What do you want me to say, you finally let me see her after so many years? Don't put this on me cause I tried to bring her to see you, but you were always busy remember! "No Tionne not this time I am in the studio" or "No I am out of the country". Throw it in my face he said rolling his eyes. I wasn't the issue she was. She wasn't the issue and you know it. Really you gon tell that bold face lie, like you didn't make the decision to leave because of her. I didn't I made the decision to leave because you and your insecurities.

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