~Chapter 52~

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Well well I haven't seen you in a while? Who she said walking in my house. Uhh you Mrs. Williams have been mia since I got out the hospital, where you been? At home with my husband and kids. Mmhmm I highly doubt that I said smirking at her. Where else would I be at Noelle? I don't know you tell me you the one that's being secretive. I've been spending time at home Noelle, making sure my family is straight before I head back to work. Work what plans do you have? Well Ms. Nosy pants I've been working on some stuff and now that my body is baby free, and my god sister is safe I can do it. Yall really care that much about me, huh? I don't know why you doubt us so much Noelle, we've proven time after time after time that we love you and we're there for you. I know. Do you really Noelle she said looking me in the eyes. At first, I thought it was a trust thing because of your past, but then I started to realize that maybe its engrained in you to feel like no one is there for you. I really understand Ro, it took me a long time to realize that yall were 100% there for me. Not a 100, Noelle a 1000%, we've been there for you in various ways, whether it was Ti taking that bullet for you, or me getting you birth control, to Lisa handling you on an emotional and physical level we've all put in on this woman standing in front of me. You're our investment girl and we're reaping the returns now. Thank you, Roro! No thank you Noelle for bringing this family even closer than it already was.

What's the big announcement that you wanted to tell me? I am starting my own event planning business. Really, she said smiling. Mhm its about damn time you've been into that since you were younger. I know, and I finally got the push I need to do it. So how are you going to do it, I mean I thought you said that money was for Merci and Noah? I actually got another financial blessing. Another one! Yeah 50 this time for me and me alone. Damn Noelle 50 million. Yeah, I said nodding. You tell your sister yet? Of course, you know what I have is what she has so I had to tell her. What she says? It went something like "Damn Noelle you sitting on blah blah amount of money". Honestly, Noelle you deserve any blessing you receive you've been through so much shit in your life. Why do I feel like I am being paid for my pain though? You aren't being paid you being reimbursed for it. No one deserves what you went through Noelle, yet at the same time you were probably the only person on this earth that could go through that and come out of it with a sound mind, a few scars, and more money than even you could have imagined having.

I agree with Tionne and Lisa that you deserve whatever is given to you and I know you will do what is right with that money and take care of those kids. I will I said smiling. That's why I called you over here I need some help with something else. Okay? I want to change Noah's name. Change his name, why would you change his name? Because he doesn't need to be stuck with that name for the rest of his life and besides when I filed the paper work to adopt him he didn't even have a birth certificate on file Ro. Wait, what do you mean he didn't have a birth certificate on file? He had to have that in order to have a social security number. He didn't have that either. So how the hell did you adopt him or even know that he's who Brian says he is? I did the test Ro, they are related he's Jamal's son. I tracked down the hospital he was born in and they said he was born under baby boy Noah, they weren't sure if the name stayed the same or not. His paternity isn't a question his mother is though. Brian just called him Noah I don't know if she really named him that or if someone decided to name him that because there was no name listed.

That's crazy Noelle, I mean you have to have name and if he was in the system, that just doesn't make any sense. I know I talked to my lawyer and he said that since I adopted him under that name that I can change it at any time or I can leave it. I want to change it, I don't want him growing up with that stigma around him. What names you have in mind? Well I want him to have something unique but with meaning. Yeah you are big on name meanings. What do you think of Ariel? Like the little mermaid? Never mind I said shaking my head. It had a good meaning, but folks would forever associate his name with the Little mermaid. What about Elijah? It's cute but you really think he looks like an Elijah. He doesn't okay what about Solomon? No! Honestly, Noelle Noah fits him, that's what he goes by and what he knows why change what he's already accustomed to? And look what the meaning is, it means "rest and comfort". He's had a hard-enough life as it is, he doesn't need any extra stress. You're right that would just confuse him even more. He doesn't have a middle name. Start there give him a middle name then and you adopted him with the last name of Watkins, right? Of course.

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