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"All of that was just a dream Noelle! What do you mean it was dream? I mean you aren't married in fact...In fact what? Tyriq died the night of the shoot out everything you think happened after that didn't. What! No no that's not true. Yeah it is Noelle, there wasn't a wedding, you've been in this institution for over a year and half. Your family put you here after you tried to kill yourself.

No, I don't believe you! See for yourself she said pointing to the room we were in. The room was all white with padding and one small window. The woman sat in a small wooden chair in the middle across from me.

No this isn't real. I wasn't dreaming, I married him! You didn't Noelle he died! He died and so did your mom. Your alone now!

Noooo!!! I screamed I tried to move only to realize that I was strapped the bed. She's gone and so is he. And the person that did it is still alive. I started breathing deeply! Noo not my mom, not Tyriq!

Yes you little bitch the voice said getting closer to me. When her face came into view I literally lost my shit. I told you, I'd make your life a living hell, she said coming into view. No, I killed you! Oh no precious you didn't, just like you didn't kill him either she said pointing to a figure coming towards us. No No No I said struggling to get out of the restraints. Oh poor sweet Noelle, you really thought you could get rid of us that easy he said touching my face. You can't we're always with you!

Don't touch me! It was real, I am married to Tyriq, we have 3 kids, my mom is still alive, and you two will rot in hell. We're always with you Noelle they both said touching my face and I fought to get out of the restraints. This isn't real I said kept repeating to myself.

This isn't real!

This isn't real!

This isn't..."

Noelle! Noelle! Oh my god I said sitting straight up, coming face to face with Tionne. Girl are you okay? I am... I am... where am I? At my house, remember you came to stay while Tyriq is out of town on business. Tyriq my husband. Yeah girl your husband for the last year and a half. He's alive! Come on now Noelle, don't trip out on me now, you've been doing so good. I went to move but couldn't move like I normally do. What the hell is...Oh my god I am pregnant! Yeah, you're pregnant that's why you are over here with me, so I can watch out for you. I am pregnant I said tearing up. Noelle... you know what hold on a minute, Yall come in here she screamed out of the room. I looked down at my belly and it was big, not to big but a decent size. I gently touched it and felt the baby moving around.

What's going on, I thought she was napping. She was but I think she had another dream. Dream, she hasn't had those in years. She woke up talking crazy. Noelle, baby girl Ro said sitting on the bed next to me. Roro! Yeah baby girl what did you dream about? She told me that they died and that none of what I thought happened actually did. Who told you that baby girl Li said rubbing my hand. Veronica I was in a padded room chained to a bed and she said yall put there after I tried to commit suicide. Noelle that dream wasn't true it was all in your mind. What did you watch before you went to sleep Liv said. Nothing I was... I looked at the journal next to us. I was journaling. About what? I was writing a letter to Amarah and Noah trying to explain what happened with their birth father I said picking up the journal. Oh they all said. You think it's time to tell them that I mean they still kind of young, Li said? I was writing the letter because I am so much better at writing than saying it you know. You think you need to go back to seeing your counselor? I don't know I said feeling the baby move again.

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