~Chapter 35~

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Why you got me meeting you at a hotel room I said walking into Noelle's hotel? I need to talk to someone and evidently, I can't talk to my sisters. Li's been looking for you. I am sure she has. Where the kids? In the room watching tv. So again why the hotel? His mom is after me and I can't risk her finding out where I live or about my kids. You went to see Jasmine? Yeah I did and before you say I am stupid and that I shouldn't have gone, I had to go to find out the truth. And what was that Noelle? She's not evil and despite what everyone thinks she's not out to get me or hand me over to her mom.

You really believe that Noelle? I do! I really do because she told me things about my life that no one but me and my mother knew. This scar right here she said showing me her arm. She was there the day I got it. Tanni and I were running through the house and broke a glass. I cut up my arm. And when I was 8 and I first came to live with my mama I saw her in the Dr. office she smiled at me cause she remembered me. I saw her again when I was 10 at the mall. Its crazy that's she's been around most of my life and I never knew.

Have you talked to your mother, Candace to confirm this information? Yeah I did it's all true. They were friends, and her mother interfered with that. She said that my mom was low life trash and she ain't want her around her so she drove a wedge between them. Crazy thing is she ended up sharing a jail cell with my mom years later. I don't know what to do Liv. I got Merci and Noah and I can't be out here risking their lives as well. The paperwork for Noah is finalized? Yup as of Wednesday morning at 10 am. How you feel you got 2 kids now. Any other time I'd be happy as shit but I am stressing for real Liv. Where is Tyriq? I put that on ice I don't want him in involved in this shit Liv, he's got Elizabeth. Noelle you can't do that, you gotta let him in and let him help you. How by getting him killed too. No by letting him love you, he wants to be your protector. I don't need a protector I just need to get myself out of this shit hole I am in right now. No matter what you say you know Tyriq is gonna ride for you. I know but I just can't put him in this right now.

We talked and we think maybe going to Cali for a little bit would be good for you. Who is we? Tionne, me, Ro, and Lisa. And yall decided that for me? No it was a suggestion Noelle we know we can't make decisions for you nor would we want to. We just thought that maybe you should take Noah and Merci and go spend some time with Zora and La Tasha. She rubbed her hands together looking around the room. We aren't making you nor or we trying to baby you Noelle, we just want you to be safe. I know I just never imagined that I'd have to be running again. I thought once he was gone I'd be good to live my life. Now it seems like every time I look up someone is after me.

Look at me I said turning her face to mine. You are a strong woman Noelle! And I am so proud of you. You are she said blinking to keep the tears from falling. Yeah I am, you aren't the same Noelle that came back to us. You are wiser and smarter than you know. And you are a great mother Noelle. You really are, you've been there to help raise everyone's children. Don't make me cry Liv! I am serious Noelle, girl the shit both of us have been through it's a wonder if we ain't pull our own hair out. Yeah I know! I want you to know that whatever you decide to do I am behind you 100% and we will take care of Noah and Amarah for you if you decide you want to handle Veronica on your own.

I don't know if I could handle her on my own, she ain't regular crazy Liv. No she's not but you have more resources now than you did back then. Huh! Resources Noelle, use them to your advantage. All the people that were supposed to be pro Veronica are now pro Noelle. Baby girl you got the upper hand now it's time for you to use it. I think I get what you are saying. And...and what she said looking at me. You gotta forgive Lisa. Nope! I can't she...she what Noelle. She made a decision with her husband. Her husband! She could have told me. She could have but her marriage is not her, you, and Shawn.

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