~Chapter 7~

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The BBQ was going off as planned I noticed that Liv and Jacob slipped in a little after 6. Did she come and tell me she was there? Nope, because she knows she's still in trouble for the fight we had the other night. I can't believe she asked me that, I've never lied to her nor have I cheated on her so for her to insinuate that I slept with Lisa was beyond disrespectful to me and Lisa. That fight was just too much it resulted in her sleeping the guest room and that's where she'll be till she apologies to me for the things that she said.

So you weren't going to acknowledge me I said sitting next to her. Ti I really don't want to do this here please, let's just leave this to our house okay. I am not stupid I know that but the least you could have done is brought your ass over and said "hey" let me know you made it in and the nigga ain't kill you I said getting up from the table and walking away. Tionne! Yes ma'am I said passing mama! Come here. What's going with you and Olivia? Nothing mama we're fine. Really cause the girl look like she about to cry she said pointing to Liv. Trust me she's fine.

You know I stay out of yall's business but whatever it is yall fighting about its ridiculous and probably not worth it. Mama! Tionne seriously, okay let me put it to you this way heaven forbid something were to happen to one of yall, would you want to die with an argument between the two of you? I sighed thinking about what she said. No I wouldn't. So let the petty shit go and don't have your wife up here crying in front of all these people. Mama! Tionne you aren't a mean person so don't act like one.

I looked back over and Liv was gone. Damn! I looked around the back yard where everyone was at and I couldn't find her. I saw Noelle over with our cousins. Lisa was talking to Shawn, but no Liv. I went into the house and there were some folks in there too but no Liv. She didn't leave so I called her. I heard her phone ring coming from the bathroom. I knocked on the door. Olivia open the door. She opened the door and looked at me. Let me talk to you real quick I said going into the bathroom with her and locking the door. I really don't think we have anything to talk about Ti, you let me know how exactly you feel. I was wrong for coming at you that way. You know Ti I knew this wouldn't be easy when we first got together, but I can't change the past, I can't change that I was with Noelle and I can't change that I had a baby by Malik but damn it you're not perfect either. I didn't get with you because you were perfect Olivia I got with you because I love you, I always have. Even the night you came to me when Malik told you to get an abortion and I was the one that held you while you cried. I've been there for you when Noelle wasn't nowhere around and I'll continue to be there for you.

This ain't about Noelle and it aint about Lisa it's about us. You and Me, Tionne! Before we even think about bringing a baby into the picture we need to make sure the picture is still going to exist. So what you saying you want a divorce? No that's the last thing I'd ever want to do but maybe we need to do some marriage counseling or something. I took a deep breath and stepped back from her. We gotta do something Ti the other night can't happen again. I know! Did you tell Noelle we fought? No, how would that help the situation, did you tell Lisa? No! I don't want us to fight I don't want our kids seeing that ever again. Me either! I do love you and you know that. I know I love you too. Can we at least try to make the best of this BBQ? Yeah I said wiping her face. I love you so much she said looking me in the eyes. I love you too! Once she was good we went back out to the BBQ where everyone else was at having a good time.

My mom nodded letting me know I did the right thing by going and talking to her. All of this is so complicated and probably won't ever be fixed because deep down I know Olivia and I know the love she has for Noelle. The same way I know that I still have love for Lisa.


I watched as Ti and Liv walked back out the house holding hands. Her face was swollen and she looked like she had been crying. Stay out of it Noelle! This is why you didn't want to be in the middle of their relationship, I thought to myself. She didn't have to tell me that they fought I know when they fight because they always show up separately like they don't live in the same house. And depending on what they fight about one of them will always have an attitude about it. The two of them are just too much alike and don't know how to deal with it.

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