Chapter 1

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Oakley's POV:

"Oak, I have to go I'm sorry. I really am but, this is my dream and I have to follow it. I might not get this chance ever again. I'll come back for you, I promise." That's what Jack said to me before he left. It kept ringing in my head. I decided to text him, just to see if he would reply. 

To: Jack <3 :Hey, its only been a week and I miss you so much. I don't know how much longer I can live without you. I'm sorry to bother you, I just miss you so much. (p.s. don't forget about me) Love, Oakley Mae<3

I waited and waited by my phone to see if he would reply, but nothing ever came.

Jack's POV:

I heard my phone go off across the room but, I didn't feel like getting up to get it. I finally got up to see who it was a half an hour after it went off because it was bugging me that I had a text and I didn't read it. When I checked it and it turned out to be Oakley. She's my best friend and I feel so bad for leaving her behind, but it was either her or my career. That was a really hard decision to make but I know, where ever I go or who ever I become, she'll always be there.

To: Oakley Mae<<33: I'm sorry I didn't text back sooner I just didn't have my phone on me. I promise I will next time. And I know it's hard being away from each other but I'll soon be with you. And how would I ever forget you, that's like forgetting my left shoe. And you know me, I don't go anywhere without my shoes. I love you too. Love Jack<3

Instantly she texted back, which I wasn't expecting. And right when I was texting her back Zach jumped on me and took my phone.

" Oooohoooh, whose Oakley?" Zach said.

"It's no one, now give me my phone back." I demanded, tackling Zach.

"Who is it?" He said back.

"My best friend back home."

"I thought I was your best friend?"

"That's why I said back home."

"She sounds cute, I wanna meet her."


"Yeah. So, text her and ask her if she wants to come to LA ."

"Okay, but, I'm only doing this because I miss her and wanna see her."


I decided to facetime her instead of texting her because I wanted to hear the sound of her voice and to see her because I haven't seen her in a while. I called and she instantly picked up.

O=Oakley   J=Jack

O: Hey
J: Hey
O: I miss you.
J: I miss you too.
O: You don't understand how alone I am at school now.
J: I know I'm sorry. But, I got a question for you.
O: What?
J: Do you wanna come to LA this week, I know it's late notice but, what I also know is that you don't have school all next week and the week after, so you could stay for a week or a little longer.
O: I would love too but, I don't have money for a plane ticket to get there and back
J: You have a best friend with loads of money out the butt, so don't tell me you don't have money. I'll buy you the tickets if you come.
O: My mom is going on business in two days so I can leave when she does, and I won't have to be home alone like I was gonna be.
J: Okay, that settles it, YOU'RE COMING TO LA
J: Okay, I will. I love you, goodnight.
O: Goodnight Jack.

And with that I hung up. I went upstairs and took a shower and went to bed.

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