Chapter 34

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Oakley's POV:

Zach looked like he was gonna cry. I don't want him to cry. He's cried enough for me.

I'm still currently sitting on the island and Zach is sitting in a chair. He has his hands on his face and his elbows are on the table. It's been silent for a couple minutes because I don't know what to say. I want to tell him I'll live forever, but yet I'll be lying to him. I don't like lying.

I lied to Jack one time and told him that I had a boyfriend when we were about thirteen and he found out I was lying.

** flashback**

"Who are you texting?" Jack asked me, trying to steal my phone away from me.

"Does it matter?"

"Very much so."

"Okay, my boyfriend. Happy now."

He looked hurt. Not physically but emotionally. I didn't have a clue love or anything to that effect. I wasn't worried about it either.

*couple days later in flashback*

"You lied?!" Jack grabbed me by my arm in the hallway of school, pulling me over to the side by the lockers.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Your "boyfriend"?"

"I came up with something on the spot and you believed me?"

"Yeah 'Cause you'd never lie to me."

"Jack." I walked away from him and entered class.

**end of flashback**

I hopped up off the island and touched Zach's arm. He looked up at me; he'd been crying.

"Come on, I wanna go somewhere."

He followed me to outside and to the tree house. I liked it up here. It was nice.

"What are we doing?" He asked looking confused.

"We need to have time for just me and you. This is the only way we could do that without all the boys around us."

"How can you be so happy right now-"

"Shut up." I interuppted him and kissed him. He kissed back. His lips were salty from the tears.

We went from just kissing to full on making out. We didn't go any farther because we both weren't ready.

**next day**

Zach and I stayed in the tree house all night. We talked about random stuff and played would you rather and stuff like that. I realized how much I really loved him last night. It was a lot. I wouldn't know what I'd be doing right now if I hadn't come and visited Jack when I did and met Zach and Jonah, Daniel and Corbyn. Especially Zach. I love him like no one I have ever loved before. I mean, don't get me wrong I love Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel too, but in a brotherly-sisterly way. I love Zach in a romantic way. I love Jack like a best friend. He knows me better that I've known me.

Zach wasn't awake just yet, so I decided to stay laying with him. I watched him as he slept, not in a creepy way though. He was cute when he was sleeping. I started playing with his hair by combing it back with my fingers. I guess it woke him up because I seen him smile. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I continued playing with his hair not paying a bit of attention to him.

I stopped playing with his hair and I layed my head on his stomach. I could hear his heartbeat. I wanted to hear it forever. I wanted to stay here in this position forever.

Zach phone went off and it was loud so it made me jump. I got up and grabbed his phone and gave it to him. I didn't look at it because I didn't care. I'm not one of those girlfriends who snoops through their boyfriend's  phone to see if they were cheating or not. If Zach was cheating, I'd hear it from the boys.

"Daniel want to know where we're at. He says he has a surprise for you." Zach said reply to the text.

"Okay, tell him we'll be there in a couple minutes."

"I already did."

I put my shirt on over my tank top and Zach put his shirt on. I grabbed my flannel that was on the floor and my phone as well. I climbed down the ladder and Zach followed. We walked back to the house silently.

As I opened the door Jonah, Jack, Daniel and Corbyn all shouted "suprise!" At me.

"Huh?" I gave them each a confused look.

"You know how I broke your phone the other day?" Daniel said.

"Yeah, it's hard to forget when someone breaks your phone." I was beiing sarcastic and all the boys laughed.

"Okay, I told you that we'd go to the store when we got back from the studio and you got back from the doctors. Well, we never went so, I wesnt and got you this."

He pulled out a brand new iPhone 7. I wasn't too big on the iPhone x, so he got me the 7. I was fine with that.

I screamed and almost made all the guys go deaf. I basically jumped on Daniel and hugged him.

"Thank you so much!"

All day I speny on my new phone. I was really excited.

My chest started hurting a little bit so, I walked to the kitchen and grabbed my pill bottle that had my medicine in it that the doctor gave for pain. I took two pills out of it and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and took my medicine.

I finally decided to stay off my phone a little while to spend with the guys. I walked back into the living room and I see all the guys on there phones.

"Really?!" They all looked up at me with confusion.

"What's wrong?" Jonah asked.

"Nothing." I said back irritated.

"I know you too well, it ain't 'nothing'." Corbyn said. He pronouced the word 'Nothing' like how I say it which cause me to laugh. He was so bad at impersonations.

"Yeah Oakley. What's up?" Daniel said sitting up from his slouched position.

"Okay. I was thinking and....... I wanna spend as much time as I possibly can with you all." They all looked at me waiting for me to say more. "I'm literally a time bomb that'll blow at any minute. I love you guys and I wanna spend as much time as I possibly can with you all."

"Is that what you really think of yourself now?" Zach asked me.

"You're so much more than a time bomb." Jack added.

"You're literally not even a time bomb, babe." Corbyn said like a girl in high school that was so popular her fake attitude couldn't gain any friends. Corbyn always managed to make me laugh.

"Aye, what it now! She's mine." Zach yelled.

"Yeah, I like totally understand, babe."
Corbyn said again like a high school girl.

"Corbyn!" Zach yelled.

By now everyone was laughing. Even Zach and Corbyn who were rolling around on the floor playfully beating each other up. Everyone was shouting "Corbyn! Corbyn! Corbyn!" There was no doubt in my mind that Corbyn would win at whatever they were doing.

"Does anybody have faith in me?" Zach said while laughing and continuously fighting with Corbyn.

"Nope." Everyone said popping the p.

"Thanks guys."

Corbyn eventually won and they stopped fighting. Zach tried to tap out but Corbyn wouldn't stop messing with him.

Jack went up to his room and came back down. He had a nerf gun in hand and everyone was trying to dodge bullets. He hit Daniel with one dead square between the eyes. He had a red mark there for a couple minutes.

It was a fun day. Beside the fact that I'm still a time bomb ticking all the time.

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