Chapter 55

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I opened up the envelope not wanting to know what's inside. I wanted to know what was inside but, I was scared of what she had written.  Not scared but nervous. I tore open the last little bit of the top of the envelope and all of a sudden I got a cold chill.

I pulled out a piece of paper,


As I read, I heard her reading this note to me.

Hey Babe, This is a letter from me to you.

Babe.. I'll never hear her say that again. I'll say it to her but, she'll never say it again to me.

Baby, I don't know what to say. I'll miss you so much. You're my first love, my first everything. I'll love you forever and ever, until the world stops spinning.

"I miss you so much more." I whispered.

Thank you for being one of the best people to come into my life.

"You came into my life, my love. You were the best. I could have done more."

Can you please keep in contact with Clara for me? If anything happens to her, I would like you and the boys to take care of her. You were good with her in Texas. Take care of her and protect just like you would with me. She really liked you. Just like I really like you.

"I'll  do everything I can. I'll keep in touch. I promise."

I don't ever want to leave you but, I guess God is ready for me. I love you so much. I can't even express it enough. I want you to find a girl who you love just as much as you love me and do everything we were gonna do. But, with her. Do everything to make you happy. I want you to be happy, you being happy makes me happy and will continue to make me happy. Make me proud.

I wish I could say more, its just there is so little space and so much to say. And partially because I'm mind blank. Thank you for everything you have done to impact my life. I love you. Oakley Mae<3

"Oakley, how can I be happy when you're not with me?" I laid back on my bed and stared at my ceiling. "You made me the happiest, I'll never find anyone like that ever. "

"Zach?" Jonah said peeking through the door.

"Go away. I want to be alone." I covered my head with my blanket.

"Zach, it's not good to be alone at a time like this." He sat down beside me on my bed and placed a hand on my arm. He always tried to comfort me when I was down.

"I know it's only been a little while but I miss her so much." I sat up hiding my face with my hands.

"I miss her too. But, she's better now. She's not in any pain."

"She said that she wanted me to find someone and to love her just like I did to her. I don't want anyone else. I just want her." I wiped away the tears that was forming in my eyes. "She took a piece of me with her. I can physically feel that she took me. Like I can't even breathe straight anymore."

"That might be because of all the crying you've done in the last few hours. We all are like that." He chuckled a little which caused me to chuckle too. "Come downstairs and be with us. We're all here for you. But, you gotta remember you and Jack are a lot closer now. We need to be here for him too, just like he is to you."

He stood up and walked out of the room. I got up and look in the mirror, I look like a mess. I didn't care either. I just walked downstairs and into the living room to be with the guys. As I entered the room, I got stares from each of the guys except for Jonah.

I sat down beside Corbyn and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

12 texts from MOM
10 texts from DAD
27 missed calls from HOME
5 missed calls from MOM
3 missed calls from DAD

I texted my mom and asked her what she wanted. She replied immediately with 'I'm sorry'. How did she already know? I guess one of the boys told her.

I locked my phone and placed it on my lap. I slouched in my seat and leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

I wanted to sleep. Sleep my sadness away, because my happiness was gone. Well, most of it. I still have my fans and my career.

I fell asleep and ended up laying on Corbyn by accident.

I got waken up by Corbyn poking my cheek and laughing. I checked the time. 10:57pm.

"You've been sitting here for how many hours?" I asked him.

"Well, let's see. You came out of your room around seven. And you fell asleep and somehow managed to lay on me and I've been trapped." He said back.

"You could have woke me up and got up. I would have fell right back asleep."

"I didn't want to. I was fine. The only thing I needed was my phone charger about an hour ago and Daniel got it for me."

"Why didn't you want to wake me up?"

"Its fine." He said and got up to leave the room.

I grabbed my phone and my lock screen to reveal 148 notifications from Instagram, 236 notifications from Twitter and a couple Snapchats from my friends and family.

I wanted to tell them but I wanted to keep it. I didn't want to keep it from them, they deserve to know.

I got on Instagram and posted a picture of all of us guys with Oakley. We all were looking at her and she was looking at the camera.  It was my favorite picture of all of us together.

I captioned it "I love you but I guess God loved you more. He deserved you more. He got you."

Oakley Mae Nickole Reyes: the only person who can make my world stop even when it's hard to keep it moving.

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