Chapter 43

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Jack's POV:

"Oakley you haven't woken up yet. Its been three days. The doctor told me that they are gonna put you into a medically induced coma if you don't wake up by 3 o'clock. You've got two hours, Oakley. Please wake up."  I said to her as she layed still in her hospital bed.

I sat down on the couch that was to Oakley's left. I wanted to stay close to her incase she needed me. Even though I knew she probably wasn't gonna wakeup.  I decided to text Zach to tell him the news.

To: Zach
- Hey.

From Zach
- Hey, whats up. How's Oakley? I'm getting on a plane tomorrow to come.

To: Zach
- Oakley has been through a lot. Its hard to tell over text, is there anyway you can get a flight for tonight?

From: Zach
- Jack, whats wrong with her? I'm booking a flight now.

To: Zach
- Just get here.

He never responded after that. I get twitter and posted: I wish you would be okay. I drifted off to sleep after that.


I was awoken by something thrown at me. I fell off the couch and looked up. I saw Oakley looking down, laughing at me. I hopped up really quick and stood by her bed. I leaned down and hugged her. She was cold, very cold.

"Oakley, you're awake." I said to her, looking into her eyes. She looked like she was tired, but she's been sleeping for a couple days now.

"Yeah, I am." She smiled, it was a smile that a little kid would do.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good. My stomach is a little upset though."

"I'll go get the doctor and tell him that you woke up." I began walking out of the room to get the doctor. I felt Oakley's eyes wash over my body as I started walking.

"Jack?" I heard my name called. I turned around and seen Oakley, sitting up on her bed, looking at me.


"I missed you."

"I missed you too." I smiled at her and she smiled back. " I'll be right back with a nurse or doctor."

I opened the door and walked out of the room. I left the door cracked just a smidge, so it wouldn't lock while i was gone. I walked up to the desk that was sitting in the middle of the hallway that connected other hallways to the main hallway. When I reached the front desk, there was a young woman sitting in a chair, doing something on the computer.

"Hi. Umm, I need a doctor or someone for my friend." I said to her as she looked up at me.

"What room?"


"Okay, I'll get someone in there as soon as they possibly can."

"Okay, thank you."

I walked off back to Oakley's room. I pushed the door open and Oakley wasn't laying in her bed. The bathroom door was closed and I could see the light shine throughout the space between the floor and the bottom of the door. I sat back down on the couch that I was laying on earlier and grabbed my phone off the couch. I texted Zach and told him about Oakley.

She walked out of the bathroom and climbed back onto her bed.

"Have you went home yet?" She looked at me, I looked up to her as well.

"No, but mom has been by here. She's been getting me clothes and stuff and bringing them here. She also brought some of your stuff incase you woke up. And you did."

" Why haven't been home? I would have been fine."

" I'm not gonna leave you here by yourself."

" I would've been fine."

"Oakley, I'm not leaving you. I'm never leaving you. Ever." I stood up beside her and grabbed her hand.

The doctor walked in and I let go of her hand. He told us that he would like Oakley to stay in the hospital for a few more days. I'm gonna try to talk to our manager to see if I can stay with her until she gets out so we both can fly back to LA together. Our original flight to go back is two days from now.

I looked at Oakley she looked back at me. She was about to cry. I didn't want her crying.

"Don't cry Oakley, everything will workout and be okay." I pronounced, trying help. I knew nothing that I did, would help.

"When Jack?" She had tears building up in her eyes. " When will it ever be okay?"

I was speechless. I didn't have a response for that. I didn't know the answer.

"I don't know, Oakley. But, I do know one thing."


"Zach's flying in this evening."

"What?! I don't want him seeing me like this. I don't want you seeing me like this and you've seen me at my worse."

"Oakley, your appearance on the outside doesn't change your appearance on the inside."

"You've always said that to me." She smiled at me and closed her eyes like she was going back to sleep, but then she opened them. "Can you hand me my phone?"

" Where is it?"

"Last thing I remember what I did to it was throw it at you."

I scanned the floor for it and didn't see it.  I looked under her bed and didn't see it. I looked under the couch and I saw it. I layed down on the floor and grabbed her phone from under the couch. I looked at the screen which had a bunch of cracks.

"You can't blame this one on Daniel." I said waving her phone back and forth in front of her face.

"Haha. Very funny." She grabbed her phone out of my hand and started doing something on it.

I sat back down on the couch and I got a text from Zach.

From: Zach
- Hey, I'm at the airport. Isn't your mom coming to get me?

To: Zach
- Yeah. I'll text her to make sure.

From: Zach
- how's Oakley doing?

To: Zach
- she's doing fine now.
-When you come, she's in room 225.

From: Zach
- Okay, thank you.

I didn't respond to him after that because I was busy. I was busy goofing off with Oakley. We watched her favorite t.v. show on my laptop. I thought it was pretty dumb if you ask me.

A short while later, Zach came through the door and hugged and kissed Oakley. Ugh.

A/N: Sorry for the wait on this chapter. I have been really busy lately and on this chapter I kept having mind blanks. Sorry again.

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