Chapter 29

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Oakley's Pov:

My chest is hurting badly. I have no clue why. I just told Zach and he's just looking at me. He hasn't said anything for about a solid minute.

"What do you mean?" He finally asked me.

"I'm hurting, right here." I said pointing to the spot between my breasts.

"For how long?"

"Since we go to the park."

"Oakley! You need to tell me. Let's go." He said standing up.

"Where are we going? And I know I'm sorry, I figured that it would just go away, but it hasn't."

"To the hospital." He said holding his hand out, so he could help me stand up. "On a scale 1-10 how bad does it hurt?"


We climbed off the trampoline and walked in the back door to the house. He told me to meet him in the car and he went to go tell his mom where we were going. I didn't want to go to the hospital but, I wasn't gonna argue with him. I just don't want to here anything bad.

Zach got to the car and set his phone in the cup holder. He started the car and pu pled out of the drive way. I grabbed my phone from out of my back pocket and got on Instagram. I seen the post the Zach posted earlier this morning and I liked it. I seen that some of my followers messaged me. Some with hate and some with love. I flipped through my feed and seen that Jack had posted. Of course he would post when he just woke up. I looked up from my phone and I seen a hospital sign on the side of the road. That means that we're close. Ugh.

Minutes later we pulled into the hospital parking lot. I knuckled my seatbelt, grabbed my phone and got out of the car. Zach did the same. I walked around the car and he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. We started walking towards the emergency room and the closer we got the more nervous I got. Zach kept looking at me and I knew he knew that I was nervous. Before we entered the door he stopped me and hugged me.

"It'll be okay. Everything will be alright." He said to me, trying to comfort me.

"How do you know?" I said looking at him, wincing a little because of the pain.

"Because I know everything. And I say everything will be okay."

"You don't know everything." I say quietly but loud enough so that he could hear it.

"I heard that."

"You were meant to."

We walked in the building and I got an automatic smell of old, sick people even though there were persons of all ages.

Zach and I walked up to the desk and I told the nurse that was sitting there my name and she gave me papers to fill out. We sat down and I filled put the papers. I knew most of the questions but I was a little skeptical on some of them. I walked back up to the desk and she printed out a sticker and placed it on a plastic bracelet and she attached it to my wrist.

I walked back to Zach and he was on his phone texting someone. I sat beside him and tucked my feet up on the chair and wrapped my arms around them and placed my head on Zach's shoulder. I closed my eyes. I heard Zach say my name and shake me a couple times.

"The doctor is calling you." He said to me. "Do you want me to go with you?"

"Yes please." I said standing up and walking towards the doctor and Zach walked behind me.

I layed on the table that was in the room for the patient and Zach stood beside me. He held my hand, he knew I was scared.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Brown. What's the problem today?" The doctor said.

"I'm hurting, right here." I said to him pointing to the same spot that I showed Zach.

The doctor got out his stethoscope and put it on my chest. He told me to breathe in and out a couple times.

"On a scale one to ten what's your pain level?" The doctor asked me.

"Right now about a 9.5 it was 9 earlier but it's more now." I said back and Zach just looked at me.

The doctor walked out and I closed my eyes again. I could tell that Zach was looking at me but I didn't care.

A few minutes later, the doctor walked back in and asked me a couple questions. I had to tell him about me having leukemia because it felt like the right thing to do, even though I don't like telling people.

"Well, I'm gonna have to do a scan and see if I can find anything that way because right now I can visibly see anything. But, with your breathing, it is a little shaky. Follow me and we'll get you a room." Dr. Brown said.

I got up and followed him, Zach was still holding my hand and he never let go. We eventually got to the room that the doctor put me in and there was a gown on the bed that I was supposed to get changed into. He told me to take all my jewelry off and he told me to take my wig off too. Nobody has ever seen me without my hair.

I came out of the bathroom and I had my clothes and my wig in my hand. I told Zach not to look at me and he looked at me anyways. I was not confident without my hair. I placed my clothes in a bag that was in the closet. I took off my earrings, necklace, and rings.

"You do know you look beautiful? Right." Zach said causing me to blush.

"Suck up." I said to him.

"No, I'm just being for real." He said as I layed on the bed and he walked over towards me.

I looked up to him and he grabbed my hand and held it. It was nice for him to try and comfort me but, I was scared now. Not nervous. Scared.


"Yes, babygirl?"

"What if it's sokmething bad? Like really bad. What if it's more cancer?"

"That's all what if's. Sometimes what if's don't come true."

"But, sometimes they do. And I'm scared."

"There's nothing to worry about I'll be by your side the whole time."

A nurse came in with a wheelchair and she had me sit in it. She wheeled me to another room with a big machine. They made Zach stand in another room. I wanted him by my side. Him being by my side made most of my fears go away, but now, they are all back. The nurse told me to lay on this bed and she covered me with a sheet; all except for my head. I closed my eyes hoping that this was all a nightmare, knowing that it wasn't.

*30 minute later**

We got done with the scan and all that stuff and now I'm back in my room. I'm laying on the bed and Zach is on the couch laying down. We are just talking about random stuff and we are laughing at the most stupidest things.

The doctor walks through the door and I sit up. Zach get up and walks over towards me.

"We have the results back from the scan, and it turned out that you have cancer in your chest and it's been there for a while. That's why you were having pains. You can leave as sookn as you wojld like too." The doctors said. He handed me a couple of papers and left.

I layed the papers aside on the table beside the bed. I layed back and covered my face with my hands. I started to cry and Zach layed beside me and hugged me. I cried into his chest. We stayed like that for about ten minutes.

"Let's go home." Zach said to me.

I got up and got my clothes and changed back into them. I didn't put my wig on because at this point I don't care anymore.

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