Chapter 13

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Jack's POV: I get on the phone with Oakleys mom, Raighlyn. She's known me since Oakley and I were in kindergarten. She is like my second mom. 

Oakley's mom =R

J: hi, Raighlyn it's Jack.
R: oh hi Jack. How are you?
J: I'm good how are you?
R: I'm fine. So how is everything?
J: everything is great.
R: that's good.
J: so I was wondering if Oakley could possibly stay a little while longer or even stay with us.
R: she has school and you do know that she has leukemia right?
J: yes, I know and we already figured out that we could pay for a teacher and we have a hospital only 10 minutes away and we'll get everything else figured out.
R: Okay, I have no problem with that. Just keep her safe. I trust you.
J:Okay thank you.
R: Okay Jack, well I love you. Have fun and stay safe.
J: I love you too, and when am I not safe.
R: well remember the time you were skateboarding in my drive way and busted your head open?
J: Okay you got a point but I'm smarter now and way safer
R: Okay just keep her safe
J: and thanks again.
R: you're welcome

"You're mom said she didn't have a problem with you staying. I just have to keep you safe." I said to Oakley.

"Yay!" Oakley said jumping off the island and attacking me in a hug. "Thanks, Jack."

She stopped hugging me and went over to Zach. She hugged him for about a minute solid and after they got done hugging, he kissed her. No, not on the cheek, on the lips. It made me a little mad and I don't know why, I've always thought of her as a sister.

I exited the living room and went to my room to cool off a little bit. I just played games on my phone and went on Instagram for a little while.

Zach's POV:

Jack got off the phone with Oakley's mom. He said that her mom told him she could stay and that we had to keep her safe. I was so excited. She jumped off the island and hugged Jack first. She then hugged me and we hugged for a while. After we hugged, I kissed her. I looked up and seen Jack leave the living room and his face was kinda red.
Jonah saw him leave too.

"What was that all about?" Jonah asks to everyone in the room.

"I don't know but I'll go check on him." Oakley says.

Oakley's POV:

I walk down the hallway to go check on Jack. He was in his room with the door shut.

"Jack?" I say, knocking on the door.

"Go away." I hear him say quietly through the door.

"No, I'm coming in." I say entering the room.

"Get out. I don't want to talk to anyone." He says.

"Jack." I scream madly, looking at him.

"What Oakley?" He yells back.

"Why are you mad? What for?" I say normally.

He gets off his bed and shuts the door, which I left open.

" Oakley," he starts to say, walking over to me. "Honestly? I don't know."

We were standing really close. Closer than we ever have before.


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