Chapter 41

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Jack's POV:

After the park we went back to my house to start celebrating for the new year. We talked all the way home about random stuff. She told me that one of the last things she wanted to do was to go skating with all of us. All of us as in the boys and I. I thought in my head and made sure that all of us would go skating when we all got back together.


We pulled into the driveway and I checked my phone to see what time it was. 5:00pm. I didn't realize that we've been out that long. Oakley didn't get out of the but she just looked at me. I didn't get out of the car either. We started laughing for no reason at all.

"Jack, I love you too." She said to me breaking the silence after our fit of laughter.



We just looked at each other for a couple more minutes and we decided to get out of the car and go eat dinner. My mom was a good cook. She always makes a huge dinner for everyone; it's enough to feed a family of twenty.

We walked in to the kitchen and my mom was setting everything on the island for is to get in line and get our food. There was chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, gravy, macaroni and cheese, and brownies. I grabbed a plate for myself as well as Isla and Oakley and handed them theirs.  I helped Isla place food on her plate and I placed some on mine. Once we all got food on our plates we sat down at the table.

Oakley was on my right and Isla was on my left. Beside Oakley was Ava. On the other side of the table was my mom and Sydnie.

We ate dinner and we all helped with the dishes and putting leftovers in the fridge.

We went into the living room and turned on the tv to Disney for Isla for now since it was only almost 7pm. We decided to play some board games to pass time by.

"Isla, go grab some games from the closet." My mom said to her. Isla ran to the closet and grabbed some games. She came back with monopoly, and twister.

"Oakley, what do you wanna play first?" I asked her, looking down at her. She was sat on the floor in front of me. I was sitting on the couch with my arm resting on the arm of the couch.

"I don't care. It's up to you all." She looked up at me and started laughing which caused me to laugh as well.

We decide to play twister and Oakley wanted to be the person that spins the board and calls out names.

After a while of playing twister, Isla wanted to play monopoly. It was almost 8:30 by the time we got done with twister. Everyone played monopoly and we had to makeshift a couple pieces so everyone could play. 


I was sitting on the coach and Oakley was still on the floor, resting her back onto the bottom of the couch in between my legs. She rested her head on the side of my leg. We usually go outside around quarter til to celebrate the new year. we've done that since we were little. I don't think it'll ever change, even when she's gone, I'll still go outside and talk to her like we'll be doing tonight. I can't wait to enjoy another year with her.

Oakley looked at me and then down at her phone that was sitting in her lap. She unlocked it and started texting someone. A minute later my phone goes off in my pocket; it revealed a text from Oakley.

You want to go ahead and head outside, it's getting close

I texted her back agreeing and we both got up. My mom looked at us and she had a smile on her face. She knew what we were doing. we went to my room before we went outside to grab a couple sweatshirts because it was a little chilly outside. Oakley wanted one of my sweatshirts instead of hers,so I gave her one.

We walked to the living room and I told my mom that we were going outside. She shook her head and smiled at me. I smiled back and mouthed the word STOP to her and she started laughing. Oakley and I walked out the door and she sat on step instead of the porch swing. We usually sit on the swing but I guess this time it's gonna be different. We sat in silence for a couple minutes and she layed her head on my shoulder.

" Oakley?" I said looking at the house across the street.

" Jack?" She lifted her head off of my shoulder and looked at me but I didn't look back. I didn't want her to see me crying. "Don't cry. We'll be alright."

"I know that we'll be friends forever. Just know that I'll love you forever."

"Jack, I'll love you always. And right now, since I love you, I'm gonna tell you this." I looked at her with a concerned and confused look. My heart started racing, and I started shaking a little bit. I didn't know what to do or how to feel. "Jack, I'm hurting again."

"What do you mean hurting?"

"My ribs, my head, and my stomach hurts a little bit."

Without thinking I ran inside and grabbed my car keys from my room and grabbed my phone off the couch. I told my mom that we we going to the hospital and we'll be back. I ran back outside and told Oakley where we were going and she didn't argue with me because she knows how I am with stuff like that.

I got in my car in the driver seat as Oakley was getting in the passenger seat. I quickly drove out of the driveway  and to the hospital. I may have been speeding, but I didn't realize until Oakley said something.

"Jack, I'm not dying, you don't have to drive that fast." She said looking at me, but I stayed focused on the road.

"I didn't know I was speeding." We became silent again. I slowed down and tried to relax a bit. Nothing was working. 

"You don't know that." I said breaking the silence between us.

"I don't know what?" She looked at me as I looked at her for a second before returning my eyes back to the road.

"That you're not dying."

"But I do know that."


"Because I'm not gonna let it over power me. I'm stronger than it is. I know I am."

"I know you are too."

We reached the hospital and they got her into a room. We've been waiting for at least half an hour. Great way to start the new year.

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