Chapter 6

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Jack's POV:

Something happened to her while I was away? I thought she was okay. What happened? I could feel anger build up inside me. All I could think about is what I would do to someone if they hurt her. She's like my sister..... I love her so much. I couldn't imagine where I would be without her. I know that I definitely wouldn't be in this band, she pushed me so hard to get into the band.

** Flashback**

"I'm not gonna go." I said

"Jack! You have to go, this is big!" Oakley said. "It's your dream. If it don't work out then you can leave but, at least try it. For me?"

"Only for you." I said smiling.

"Just one thing though."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Don't forget me Jack Avery."

"I couldn't ever forget something so special to me."

I looked at her and smiled. I hugged her. We released the hug and she left. I watched her walk away. It was really hard to think about leaving her. I love her.

** end of flashback**

Oakley's POV:

I have to tell Jack sooner or later. If I could choose, it would be never. I walked away from where Jack and I were standing. I sat down on a skateboard that was along the house. I looked up and Jack was gone. I have to go home before our friendship is ruined. I don't want him to find out.

I wanted to cry but not a single tear would fall. I look down and then back up again. I see Zach coming around the corner. He just looks at me and sits on the ground in front of me. All I could do was look at him. I felt sorry for him; I couldn't tell him either. It's hard to even think about it.

"Oakley?" Zach looked at me.

"I can't." Was all I could say.

"You can't what?" He said.

"I can't hide it anymore." I said looking at him. Still not crying because I couldn't.

"You can't what baby, it'll be okay, we'll get through whatever it was, what ever happened?" 

"I just can't." I stood up to leave but, I didn't know where to go. It started to get hard for me to walk. I got light headed. I fainted.

Zach's POV:

I see Oakley get up and walk away and start to fall. I ran to her quickly and caught her before she hit the ground. I reajusted her in my arms to where I was carrying her bridal style. I walked through the door and yelled at Jonah to call 911 quickly. The ambulance arrived within five minutes, they took her and told us two people maximum could ride with her. Jack and I went in and the others followed in the car.

We all waited in the waiting room for about thirty minutes which, felt like thirty hours. I couldn't wait to see her. I hope she wanted to see me.

"Jack Avery and Zach Herron?" A nurse called out to the room we were sitting in.

Jack and I just looked at each other and we got up and walked over towards the nurse.

"Can you guys please wait in this room for a couple minutes? The doctor needs to speak to you all."  She said.

"About what?" Jack said.

"About Ms. Reyes."  She said with a cofused lok on her face and she shut the door.

Jack just looked at me and then put his hands on his head and elbows on the table that was infront of us. A few minutes later the doctor walked in and scared both of us.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Mayfield. I'm geussing that you two are Jack and Zach?" He said. We stood up shaking his hand.

"Yes. I'm Jack and he's Zach." Jack said pointing towards me.

We all sat back down and my stomach started to turn a little. I could tell that Jack was nervous because when he's nervous he taps his foot on the ground.

"Okay, Ms. Reyes is sick, very sick. She has stage three leukemia." Dr. Mayfield said.

"What? How? When?" Jack asked.

All I could do was try my best not to cry. I loved her so much and to think that I might loose her. I just got her. I can't loose her. She's everything to me.

"Stage three leukemia, She has abnormal blood cells that are foming in her bone marrow. She's had it for quite a while now." He said standing up and walking out. "You can go see her now. Room 215."

We walk out of the room and we gathered up Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel out of the waiting room. We walked down the hall and came upon the room 215. I will admit that I was scared to go in there. I didn't want to see her sick. But, I'll always be there for her no ma

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