Chapter 54

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Oakley's Pov:

I was lying  in Zach's arms and he was asleep. We were in my bed. He held me tight and made me feel safe. He made a single second feel like forever.

As I was laying in Zach's arms, I knew tonight or tomorrow was my night/day. I knew it was time. I wasn't in pain anymore. My whole body was numb. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't even feel Zach's arms around me. I could only see them.

I eventually fell asleep, only to be awoken again at 3am. I couldn't breathe. I was gasping for air. I gave up trying to breathe. I knew it was happening right now. 

Zach was still next to me. I picked up my arm and touched his cheek. It was soft. He fluttered his eyes open as a tear rolled down my cheek. He jumped up really quick and grabbed his phone and called 911. He knew what was happening.

He woke up Jonah, and Daniel, and the rest of them before the ambulance got there. He also got changed into normal clothes. He tried to help me out of bed, but it was no use. I couldn't feel anything.

"Goodbye. I love you." I said to Zach as I closed my eyes when the ambulance people came rushing in the room. I don't remember much after that.

*Time skip*

I was laying in a hospital bed. My eyes weren't open, but I could tell I was there. I didn't have much time left.

I opened my eyes to reveal a room full of boys. Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, Jack, and Zach. They were all sleeping.  Corbyn, and Daniel were sleeping on the couch. Jonah was sleeping on the extra bed, Jack was in a chair holding my left hand with his head laying on my bedside. Zach was doing the same thing but, on my right side.

I tried squeezing their hands as much as I could but, I could barely move. To my surprise they both lifted their heads up, looking at me. I looked at them, barely able to keep my eyes open.

I looked to Zach. "I love you, more than you will ever know."

I looked to Jack. " I love you as well. More than you will ever know."

"Oakley, you're not going anywhere." Zach said grabbing my attention.

"Zach. Baby. We both know, we all know I'm going." I looked at both of them. All the boys were up now.

"I love you guys. Thank you for everything." I said weakly.

"I love you." Was said across the room. They each gave me a hug.

I closed my eyes and I remember the letters. I forgot to tell them.

"Letters." I said. I could feel the confused looks being gave to me. "Top drawer."

Its my time. Right now. " I love you."

I love you, those were my last words. They were my last words to everyone. 

I saw an overview of the room. The boys were crying. I've never seen them cry except for Zach and Jack. I've never seen Corbyn, Daniel, or Jonah ever cry. Except for when we were laughing really hard. I'm gonna miss them.


"I love you." As she said her last words it gave me chills. Tears were rolling down my face. The monitor holding a long beep.

"Oakley! Don't go!" I screamed as I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Jonah's. I turned around to face him. He pulled me into a hug and I cover my face with my hands so I wouldn't get his shirt wet with my tears.

I felt him lift a hand off my back and I pulled away. Doctors and nurses came rushing in. The nurses made us leave the room to give the doctor space. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay with her. But, she's gone. She's gone. I had to face it she's gone and nothing is gonna change that.

I love her. I don't think I'll ever stop.

* time skip*

We got back to the house and I went straight to my room. I shut the door and changed into shorts and a plain white shirt. I laid on my bed and covered myself with my blankets along with my head. I wanted to be by myself but I also wanted to be with the guys. I just really wanted to be with Oakley. I knew she was with me. Spiritually, not physically.

I cried a lot. I eventually cried myself to sleep.

I woke up. I checked my phone for the time. 5:34pm. I jumped up really quick remembering that she said something about letters. I ran to her room, bursting through the door. I stopped immediately.

I never knew this about her room, it had a different smell than the other rooms in the house. It smelled like her. Her perfume; vanilla bean. I walked over to her mirror and looked at my reflection. I saw her standing beside me, laying her head on my shoulder. I mouthed 'I miss you.' to her and she smiled. I heard her say that she misses me too, but I know it was just all in my head.

"Top drawer." I remembered her saying.

I opened up the top drawer of her dresser. I seen envelopes with everyones name on them. Even Clara and her mom. I spotted another one in the back labeled 'Zach's Future'. I grabbed it and sat down on her bed. I looked in the mirror once again, crying.

"Why did you have to take her? She wasn't hurting anything." I put the envelopes to my side and covered my face with my hands having my elbows resting on my knees. "Why?!" I yelled.

I looked up and Daniel was standing at the doorway. "I may not know much about love or your guy's relationship." He sat beside me and looked into the mirror at me. "What I do know is that she wouldn't want you crying. That's why we aren't crying anymore."

"It's easier said than done. You guys didn't know her like I did." I looked at him and Jack appeared at the doorway. His eye were red and puffy along with his nose.

"You may forget that she was my best friend." He picked up the envelopes and placed them on the dresser and sat next to me. "She doesn't want us crying, she want us to live our lives normally. She made me promise that we would do that after she passed away. I never broke any promises that I kept to her before and I'm not gonna stop now."

"I want to thank you." I said.

"For?" Jack asked as Daniel left the room.

"Introducing me to her..... She means the world to me. If it wasn't for you that day, I would have never met the love of my life. I love her."

"You're welcome. She needed someone else to love her beside me and my family."

"You loved her?"

"She's my best friend. Why would I not love her?"

"She only ever saw you as a best friend and you loved her more than that. I took her away from you." I wiped the remaining tears away from my face.

"I did love her more, she knew that. You didn't take her away from me. She chose you and she loved you. You gave her everything that I couldn't."

He got up and started walking out of the room. "Thanks." I said. "Oh and uh, here." I handed him his envelope from Oakley.

He took it out of my hand and smiled. I grabbed the rest of them and walked out behind Jack closing the door. I handed everyone their envelopes and we just stared at them. I set the remaining ones on the island in the kitchen. I walked to my room with my note in hand. I sat on my bed and stared at it. I built up enough strength and courage to open it.

Here it goes......

This is not the end. I still have more yet to come...

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