Chapter 38

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Oakley's POV:

**Christmas eve**

I'm sat in the living room of the house all alone. I couldn't decide wether to go with Jack and spend Christmas with him and his family. I've always had Christmas with them, ever since I was little. Then then was Zach, this would be my first Christmas with them. I couldn't decide, so I stayed home.

I was alone this Christmas. I didn't mind though. Zach and all the guys have been facetiming me to check in on me. I appreciate that they show that they care about me. I love them for that.

I'm looking at the Christmas tree with the guys' presents that I have gotten them, sat underneath it.

Daniel's gift was new guitar strings and a pick. Also a new pair of shoes.

Corbyn gift was new fake glasses because he always wears them. I got him a new pair of shoes as well.

Jonah's gift was two new pairs of shoes.

Zach's gift was a pair of shoes and two sweatshirts. They had our name written on them.

Jack's gift was a pair of shoes and a new ring with a bracelet. It was cheesy but it said 'best friends forever'. I had the same set.

There is a gift for Clara and my mom. I don't know when it would get to them but, at least I got them something.

They won't be back for a little while but, I am flying out to see Jack on New Year's. I'm gonna FaceTime Zach too, so I could also kinda spend it with him.


New Year's eve:



"I ran."

"You what?"

"Ran. As fast as I could."

"Mom and her husband are drunk and he slapped me."

I was sobbing at this point and hold my right cheek that was sore and red from the slap. Jack hugged me and held me in close. I was crying into his chest.

"I'm scared." I looked up at him and into his eyes.

He put his hand on the back of my hand and hugged me even tighter than before. "It's okay, my little oak tree. You're with me now; no one can hurt you."

Everyone began screaming and shouting inside. 'Happy New Year!'

"Happy New Year Oakley." Jack whispered softly but loud enough to hear.

"Happy New Year Jack."

*end flashback*

Every new year that I can remember, it has always been with Jack. We did everything together when we were little and still kinda do.

This would be the first year that I could get a new years kiss but, I want to be with Jack. Going to Jack's house has become a thing that I do every year.

I was always at Jack when I was little, I basically lived there, except for when I wanted to see Clara.

I miss the boys. It been quiet without them. It just me in the house. I'm used to loud chaos and not quiet.

I look down at my phone that is sitting beside me. I got a text from Zach.

Hey baby girl. I miss you.

I texted him back and told him I missed him too. I turned the tv on and spongebob came on. Really guys? They always watch spongebob. They are such kids.

*Christmas Day*

I was asleep in my bed and the sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I didn't even check to see who it was and I answered it.


Hey, Oakley?


Yeah. Did yo u just wake up?

Yeah, you woke me up.

Oakley. It is noon and you just woke up?

Yeah so. I sleep a lot. Your point is?

Nothing. But can you do me a favor?

Yeah, I guess.

Can yo u go to my room and under my bed? There should be a piece of paper.

I got up out of my bed and walked over to his room. I put the phone on speaker and layed it on Jonah and Corbyn's bed so I could lift up Zach's "bed". It wasn't that heavy considering it was only an air mattress.

Okay. I have the paper.

Okay, when I get off here I want you to read it and do everything it says. I love you.

I love you too.

I hung up the phone and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple off the counter and hopped upl on the island, like I always do and opened the piece of paper.

Dear Oakley,

I'm sorry I couldn't be with you this Christmas. That doesn't mean that I didn't get yoku something though. You have to find it. It could be somewhere in the house or outside. There are clues scattered along the house and you have to find them. Here is your first clue.


I knew exactly where he was sending me. To the tree house. It was a bit chilly outside, so I went to my room and put on a pair of joggers and grabbed one of Zach's sweatshirt off my dresser and slipped it on.

I walked down to the kitchen where I left the note and grabbed it. I grabbed my phone as well.

I walked out the glass door and onto the back lawn where I saw Jack's skateboards scattered everywhere and a basketball on the side of the house. I continues walking until I got to the tree house. I climbed  up the ladder and unhooked the latch to open up the door to get into the tree house.

I climbed the rest of the way in and saw Zach standing in front of me. I was speechless.

"Hey baby girl. Merry Christmas." He stepped forward and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

"What?" I was in awe. I had my hand over my mouth and a tear or two fell from my eyes.

"You really thought I was gonna leave you alone on Chriatmas?" He huggedd me again and started laughing.

"Zach?! You need to be with your family."

"Oakley, you are part of my family."

"You know what I mean." I hugged him once more and I couldn't stop smiling.

We talked for a little bit in the tree house and eventually made our way down to the house.

I'm glad Zach came. But, I'm also upset that his family didn't get to spend Christmas with him.

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