Chapter 56

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Oakley's POV:

"Oakley?" I heard a voice say. It was a man's voice.

"Oakley?" It said again.

I was by myself. Or so I thought. It was like a room without walls or a ceiling that just kept going and going. It was all white. The floor. The ceiling. Everything was white.

"Hello?" I said softly. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw my father. He looked good for being dead for awhile.

"Daddy?" I whispered. "It's really you." I cried.

He hugged me. It felt like forever.

"Its me baby. It's me." He kept hugging me.

I let go of his hug and he wiped away my tears. It's been forever without him and I missed him. I missed him a lot. But right now I miss Zach, and Jack, and Daniel, and Corbyn, and Jonah more than ever. I wanna be with them.

Don't get me wrong I'm glad to be able to reunite with my dad but I want the boys. I want them. I want them bad.

"Daddy...." he looked at me. I could tell him anything I ever wanted. He was always there for me. "I miss them. I miss them so much."

"I know you do. Just like I missed you."

"Where's Jax?" I wiped a tear away again.

"He.... He umm.... he's not here."

I was so confused. Why was he not here? Why wasn't he with my dad?

"What do you mean? Where is he? Where is my little brother? What happened to him?"

"Oakley..... He's not-"

"Don't beat around the bush, dad. Where is he? Where. Is. Jax?"

"Honey, he's with all the kids. I haven't seen him either."

I started breathing heavily. I thought that me not being alive would allow me to see my brother and my dad. All I  wanted to do was scream because I wanted to see Jax. Ahh!

"Daddy, who have you been looking after then?" I asked him. My fists were clinched together and my breathing was back to normal.

"You." He grabbed my hands and unclenched them for me. "I've been looking after you."

I leaned into his chest and sobbed. He wrapped his arms around me, just like Jack did when I wa little. I sobbed even harder.

No. He wasn't looking after me. He wasn't looking after me at all. If he was then why would he allow my mother to get remarried to an a** and basically push me out of the way?

I looked up at him. He released his arms and return to his side.

"You weren't looking after me." I looked him in the eye. "If you were looking after me, you wouldn't have allowed mom to remarry and have and a**hole of a husband. You wouldn't have allowed them to push me away. I needed mom when you all passed away and she didn't need me. She needed a new husband and another child."

I ran away not knowing where I was going. My running canvas was blank so I was just running anywhere except for where my father was.

I was running out of breathe so I just sat down. I wrappeed my arms around my legs and cried. I don't know why I was crying but I was.

I wanted to be able to run my way to Zach and hug him. I wanted to be able to hug Jack. To hug Jonah, Daniel, and Corbyn. But, no matter how far I traveled by running, I'll never get anywhere.

I wanted to be home. I wanted to be in my bed, lying with Zach's arms wrapped around me. Protecting me from whatever I was scared of coming through my bedroom window.

I looked down at my feet and the white floor was beginning to fade. I saw my home. I saw the boys. They were all hugging each other with Zach in the middle.

"Baby....I know it hurts. It hurts me too." I reached my hand out even though he couldn't feel or see me.

They all released the hug. Zach wiped his tears away as well as the others. I don't want him crying anymore. I don't want any of them crying anymore.

I watched as Zach opened his letter and the photo. He read a little bit and then spoke; I could hear every word he said.

Why did I have to go? Why now? I wanted to live more. I wanted to spend more of my life with them. But, my life is over and I have to face it.

My life is over.

Sorry about the short chapter. I just really want to get to writing the next few chapters and I wanted Oakley to have a pov after the passed chapter.

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