Chapter 21

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Oakley's POV:

Zach's mom was really sweet. I was nervous to meet her at first, I still am a little bit even though I've already been introduced. My heart is pounding out of my chest and I could feel my face turning pink.

After we left the airport and got in the car, Mrs.Herron asked me where I would like to go eat.

"You all pick, I'm not from here, so I don't know any places." I said to her. She said okay and kept driving.

Zach just looked at me and laughed. He sat in the back seat with me and held my hand. He could tell I was still a little nervous but, I don't know why I was still nervous. I looked at him and then out the window to look at a different scenery other than Pennsylvania and L.A.

We pulled into the parking lot of Buffalo Wild Wings. We all got out of the car and walked in the door of the restaurant. Zach was still hollding my hand and he was also talking to Reese. She was so full of energy and she was hyper. I understand that because she was excited to see her brother, who she hasn't seen in four months. Ryan on the other hand was kind of distant from Zach and I.

We got seated by a waitress that was about our age and she kept looking at Zach flirtingly. I was mad at her but happy at Zach because he kept dodging her which would make Ryan and Reese laugh, who made me laugh. She took our drink orders and we all began looking through the food menu.

"Do you all know what you want?" Mrs. Herron asked us.

We all shook our heads and Reese and Ryan told her what they wanted. I was still looking at the menu just to see what else they had but, I already knew what I wanted. I looked up and our waitress comes back with our drinks. She takes our orders of food and takes the menus with her too.

"So, how did you two meet?" Mrs. Herron asked us, looking at us then down to Reese and Ryan who were coloring.

Zach and I just looked at each other and smiled. All I could think of was to tell her that Jack and I were best friends.

"Well, I lived in Pennsylvania and my best friend was Jack, and when he moved to L.A. to be in the band, I became alone because I had no friends other than Jack and then I came to visit him and I ended up living with him and the band."

"Okay. That's nice of the boys to let you stay with them." Mrs. Herron said looking at me.

"Yeah, we didn't have a problem with it because, I mean, who would?" Zach said laughing. I started blushing and laughing.

"Well, you two are a cute couple, if I say so myself." Mrs. Herron said smiling at both Zach and I.

Our food came out and we all ate. We paid for our meal, I was gonna pay for mine but Zach insisted on paying for mine.

*time skip to Zach's house*

We pulled up to this huge house. I was in awe of big it was. It was definitely bigger than mine. This would be the biggest house that I have ever stayed in.  We all got out of the car and Reese and Ryan run hi p to the front door and start jumping up and down. Zach and I grabbed our bags from the back of the car and wheeled them up to the front door, that has been unlocked by Mrs. Herron.

We entered into a huge living room that had an upstairs overview. It was so nice. Zach held my hand and showed me up the stairs to his room which both of us would be staying in. He showed me where the bathroom was if I needed to go.

"In happy you're here." He said to me and giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Eww." Reese said, standing at the doorway of Zach's room, laughing. She made us start laughing too.

Zach started walking towards her and picked her up and started hugging her and swinging around. It was really cute because just in that moment it showed me how much Zach cares for her and his whole family. Zach finally put her down after like five minutes of seingi my her around, attacking her with hugs and kisses.

"Mommy want you. She's downstairs." Reese says.

"Okay." He says grabbing her and my hand. Walking us downstairs.

When we got downstairs there was a cake sitting in the counter in the kitchen that said 'Welcome Home Zach'. 
They all shouted Welcome Home and attacked him in a hug.

"Thanks everyone." He said, then looked at me and hugged me. "Now, let's cut it."

We cut the cake and enjoyed the cake. It was good but I wasn't a big fan of it. It was chocolate cake with fudge icing. I'm not a big person on chocolate. We put our dishes in the sink and Zach led me outside. He picked up a volleyball and we walked over to the net.

"You wanna play?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said back to him.

"Have you ever played?" He asked me.

"Of course. I'm not dumb."

" I didn't say you were. It's just...."

"You would never expect me to play?"

"Maybe a little."

"Well, I used to play for my middle school, but no one liked me playing because I was more experienced than the others so I made more points than them. And I quit in high school because it was too much drama."

"Oh, okay. Well don't spike it or anything like that because all we do is hit the ball back and forth because of my brother and sister."

"No promises." I said smirking at him.

He just laughed at me and we continued talking while playing. It wasn't really playing it was just hitting the ball back and forth.

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