Chapter 58

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Corbyn's POV:

She wrote us all letters but I don't want to open mine just yet. I want to wait. I know the rest of the guys probably already opened theirs but, I don't want to. I want to open it when the time is right, I don't feel that right now is the best time.

I set it in my dresser drawer. I would set it on top my dresser but, I don't want any of the guys seeing it and them get upset. I've already cried and I don't want to anymore. Its hard enough seeing the guys cry over and over again.

I lost one of my best friends. Someone that I looked to as a sister. She was always there for me whenever I needed her. And I was there for her.  She took a piece of me with her. I think she took a piece of everyone with her. She didn't mean to, she was just so close to everyone that everyone became a piece of her heart.

She will always be one of my favorites. She was a good kid.

"I love you Oakley."

Daniel's POV:

I wanted to save the letter, but I also wanted to read it.

She meant the world to me. And she trusted me with every one in her body.

I was ready to open the letter.


Her handwriting was so pretty. Opening this letter gave me chills. It felt like she was present but, I knew I was just being paranoid.

Hey, Danny. This is a note from me to you.

Danny. She was the only one who ever called me Danny. I only allowed her to call me Danny. The other guys would always try to call me that but, I would always yell at them.

This is a note for saying thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me through the past year. (or a little longer). Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. Thank you for being the person I could tell anything to and letting me trust you with whatever it was. I will always be grateful for that. You will forever be one of my best friends, not only a best friend but my brother. Because you're more than a friend to me. Thank you for supporting me in everything and caring for me. I've finally became happy and I'm glad that you were a part of it. You've helped me get through everything that I needed help with. Thank you for guiding me in the right directions as well. I love you, Oakley Mae <3.

A tear slipped from my eyes.

I've finally became happy and I'd glad you were a part of it.

I'm glad I was a part of it too. I'm glad that you were finally happy. You were always my sister, from day one. You're welcome. I love yo u too.

I flopped on my bed and covered my face with my hands. I stayed like that for about five minutes.

I got up and took a shower and changed into basketball shorts and a t-shirt.

I grabbed the letter off the bed and slid it into the drawer of my table beside my bed.

I hopped into bed and fell asleep. Trying to fall asleep, all I could do was think about my life without one of my best friends.

Jonah's POV:

I was too busy worrying about Jack and Zach to worry about my letter.

Zach was finally sleeping but on Corbyn. At least he was sleeping.

I walked in the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

I leaned against the island and pulled my phone out of my pocket. My social media was blowing up with notifications. All about Oakley. I just turned my phone off and returned it back to my pocket and took a sip out of my water.  I placed my water on the island and rested my arms on the counter. I closed my eyes and dropped my head down.

I reached for my back pocket; I grabbed the letter out of my back pocket. I've had it on me since Zach gave it to me.

I can't bring myself to read it. I don't think I could do it without crying. Ever. She meant so much to all of us that none of us know what to do anymore. Besides cry and if not crying then trying to sleep to not cry.


I was laying in bed and I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was the letter. It felt like it was calling me. My mind was being trapped by the letter.

I got up out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen to get the letter. I left it down there by accident. When I reached the kitchen I turned on the light.

"What are you doing down here?" Jack and I said at the same time.

"I came down to get this." I picked up the letter. "Now, what are you doing down here?"

"I was just outside, reading the letter and I called my mom and dad and everyone else and told them what happened." He took a deep breath. "I.. I just finally was able to get up."

"What are you talking about?"

"My head was spinning and my vision was blurry. It felt like something was weighing me down. I tripped over something and I couldn't get up. I closed  my eyes and I heard Oakley's voice. But,it was young Oakley. she said that I was having a panic attack." He looked at me.

"Have you ever had a panic attack before?"

"No. but, Oakley got me through it. She gets me through everything, and I don't have that anymore."

"You've got us. We'll get you though everything." I walked towards him and hugged him. 

"I can't look at anything without thinking of her." He muffled in my shoulder. We released the hug. "I can't even look at this stupid island anymore without thinking of her." He laughed at himself and so did I.

"What did this island ever do to you?" I made a sad face.

"I don't know." He smiled but put his head down.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Everything will be okay. we'll get through this."

"I hope. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"Night." I watched him walk off.

The letter was still in my hand. I didn't have the guts to read it just yet. I want to save it.

I went back upstairs with the letter and I placed the letter in the top of my closet so I wouldn't loose it. I got back in bed and I was finally able to go back to sleep.

I wanna give a shout out to Faze_fangirl1  because they have voted and comment on my story. And I also want to say thank you.

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