Chapter 23

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Oakley's POV:

*flashback to five years old*

My daddy, he's gone. My bubby, he's gone. Why is everyone gone?
I was sitting on my couch crying my eyes out and I heard a knock on the door. I got up, wiping my tears away and answered it. It was Jack.

"Why are you crying?" He said, looking confused.

"Jack. They're gone. Daddy and Bubby are gone." Was all I said and he attacked me in a hug. The hug lasted forever and he never let go. I kept crying and crying and I just couldn't stop.

*End of flashback*

Today is the 12th year that I have gone without my dad and brother. I wish they were here. Not a day that goes by that I don't miss them. My brother and I are eleven months apart, we were closer than ever. Most people thought that we were twins.

Zach was in the shower and he came out in a big t-shirt and underwear. I looked up at him and laughed a little. He looks at my as I put my phone on the table beside his bed and pull the covers up over my head to go back to bed. It was 6:30am.

"Nope. Wake up. We don't have time to sleep today." He said as he was pulling the covers off of me then touching my chin to make me look at him so he could kiss me. I looked up at him with a sad face and he laughed.

I stayed in the bed for about five minutes and I finally got up. I unzipped my suitcase and pulled out an outfit for today. I got in the shower and changed and plugged in my curling wand. While my wand was heating up I walked back to Zach's room to see what he was doing. I opened the door and he was on the phone with someone. He hung up and looked at me. He was in a worry state of being.

"Oakley?" He looked at me concerned.

"Yeah? What's up? You're scaring me?" I questioned him.

"Have you checked your phone?"

"No, it's over there charging by your bed. Why?"


"What about him?"

"The boys got in car wreck and he got hurt the most."

I was fighting tears. I wanted to go home to Jack, but I wanted to stay for Zach.

"How are the other boys?" I said after a couple minutes of fighting tears.

"They're fine. But, Jack is in critical condition. He won't wake up."

"Is he alive?" I asked him, with tears streaming down my face.

Zach walked toward me and hugged me. I hugged back and let my tear soaked face drench his t-shirt. After a couple minute of my crying into Zach's chest, I looked up at him. My face was red, I could tell. He just looked at me and kissed me. then he kissed me on the forehead. I leaned my head against his shoulder and kept crying.

Jack is my best friend, I don't know what I would do without him. He's my other half besides Zach. Why does it gotta be him? Why can't that be me? I would take his place. I want to take his place. Its not like I'm gonna live much longer anyway because of my leukemia. Its been 3 months and I have yet to have any treatments for it. But, Jack has too. He has to live.

"I wanna talk to him." I say looking up at Zach.

"He's not awake." He looks at me sadly.

"Maybe if the boys put the phone up to his ear and Jack hears my voice it'll help him."

"Oakley." He says pausing. "I don't think that, that will help any."

" I can try. All I can do is try. I believe it can work, I have faith." I say letting goof Zach and walking over to my phone.

I dial Jonah's phone and he answers on the first ring. I can tell that he was crying because I could hear the hurt in his voice. It was scratchy.

*Jonah and Oakley's call     J=Jonah   O=Oakley*

J: Hello?
O: Hey, Jonah?
J: Oakley? Did Zach tell you?
O: Yeah. Are you with him?
J: Yeah. Of course.
O: Okay. Can you do me a favor?
J: Yeah.
O: Can you put your phone up to Jack's ear? I wanna talk to him.
J: Oakley.
O: Don't do that. Just do what I ask you. I have faith that it'll work and if it don't work it could at least help a little.
J: Okay. Here. You can talk to him.

(Oakley talking to Jack, who is asleep in the hospital. He won't wake up.)

O: Jack, please wake up. I need you to wake up. For me? Jack, Please. I need you. Your my best friend. Your family need you. Isla needs you. Ava needs you. Sydnie needs you. Your mom needs you. We all need you Jack. Hey, do you remember when we were seven and we were riding our bikes down the road and I hit a big rock and wreck into you and we rolled down the rest of the road because we were laughing so hard? We had to go back up to the top of the road to get out bikes. I didn't wanna walk up the hill, so you gave me a piggy-back ride. Jack I can't lose 3 important people to me on the same day. I've already lost two people on this day. I can't loose a third. Jack, wake up. Please I love you.

I hung up the phone and layed down on Zach's bed. I was still crying. Zach came and layed beside me. I layed my head on his chest and tried to stop my tears. I eventually fell asleep on him. My curling wand had an automatic timer on it and it had already shut off so I didn't have to worry about it burning the house down or anything like that.

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