Chapter 45

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Jack's POV:

It's Jaxson's birthday. It's Jaxson's birthday. Kept ringing in my head as I tried to process that I forgot his birthday. Jaxson is Oakley's little brother and he meant the whole world to her. I can't believe that I forgot. I've never forgotten his birthday.

On Jax's birthday every year Oakley and I would go to the dairy shop and get ice cream and spend the whole day at the park. Jax loved the dairy shop; he always got a chocolate dipped waffle cone with 1 scoop cookies and cream ice cream and 1 scoop mint chocolate chip ice cream. Oakley and I get that every year whenever we would go to celebrate his birthday. I don't know what we are gonna do this year for his birthday.

When we're at the park, we usually get red colored balloons and have them blown up for us so we can set them off to the sky. Oakley says that's her way of reconnecting with her brother every year.

**at the house**

Oakley went straight to her room and hasn't came out since we've been home. Zach has went a checked on her a couple times and he keeps getting sent back out by her. He says that she's just laying on her bed in the dark, listen to music.

I want to check on her but I don't wanna be sent out like Zach has. I want to check on her because I know the reasoning of why she's in her room all alone.

I got off the couch that I was sitting on and walked toward her room. I could feel the boys watching me.

When I reached her room, I knocked. No answer. I knocked once again. Still no answer.

"Oakley?" I opened up the door and she was lying on her bed. Her eyes were closed and she had ear buds in her ears blairing music.

I tapped her arm which caused her to open her eyes and jump just a little bit. She realized it was just me and took out her ear buds.

"What do you want?" She rolled over to face the wall that was opposite of me.

"What's wrong?" I questioned already knowing the answer.

"Nothin, I just want time alone."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving."

"That's what you've told me before."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Nothin. Don't worry about it."

I walked over to the other side of the bed so I was facing her. I sat on the floor in front of her. She had a tear stroll down her face.


"What?" She wiped the tear away. "Jack, it's been too long without them. I miss them."

"I know you do."

"No you don't."

I gave her a confused look as the tears continued to roll down her face. Her eyes were red a puffy, like she has been crying for a while. She's been crying since we've gotten home.

"What do you mean?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Its his birthday Jack. I miss him. We aren't home to celebrate the way we usually do."

"I'm sorry." Was all I could bring up the courage to say. I didn't know what to say.

"Jack, I think....."

"You think?"

"I know not think."

"You know what?"

"I want to be with them."

"Huh?" My voice became shaky. I knew what she meant but I didn't want to say it or hear it.

"I can't take anymore days without them. I need them. I want to be with them. I miss them."


"Stop saying my name." She sat up and sat criss cross, facing me. "It's only making it harder."

"I don't know what else to say. Other than I don't want you to."

"Then just say that."

"My little Oak tree." I sat beside her on the bed and put my arm around her. She layed her head on my shoulder. "My little Oak Tree, I don't want you to go. I need you. You have so many needs in this world."

"Like dying? Like I said before, I'm basically a time bomb ticking to explode at any point."

"We all are."

"No, God has a plan for you. Me on the other hand, he wants me because he can't think of anything for me to be."

"God only takes the prettiest of things, and if he wants you than he wants something pretty. He only ever takes the prettiest of things. And he has a plan for you as well as Clara and your mom. He has a plan for everyone."

"What Jack?" She leaned up a little bit as she spoke a little louder. "What is his plan for me? So far he's taken away my dad and Jax and my mom basically too. He took away Clara somewhat. He almost took you too...... I can't take anymore things being taken from me anymore. I just can't."

 Her words cut through me like a knife. I can't believe she thought that I was gonna be taken from her.

"I will never be taken from you. Why would you ever think that I could be taken from you?"

 I was on the verge of tears; Oakley was still crying from earlier. She was trying to stop but tears kept pouring out. I was facing her and she was facing me. She tried to cover her face with her hands, but I could still see. She leaned into me as I to her and I hugged her so tight. Her hands were still covering her face.  She was sobbing into my chest and all I could think about is what she said about wanting to be with her dad and Jax. 

After a couple  minutes of us sitting there, on her bed. She leaned up and her eyes, cheeks, and nose were red. She got up and walked to her bathroom. I laid on her bed, waiting for her to come out. Still all I could think about was her saying that she wanted to be with her dad and brother.

Its been about ten minutes and she hasn't came out of the bathroom yet. I got up and knocked on the door to see if she was okay.

"Oakley? Are you okay?" I talked through the door.

No response. I knocked once more. No response. I couldn't hear any noise of water running or anything so, I turned the doorknob to open the door and it was locked.

"Oakley, open up." No response once more. "Oakley?!"

I grabbed the key to unlock the door which was above the door rim. I unlocked the door and twisted the knob slowly.

"Oakley!" I screamed and the boys came piling in the room.

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